forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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firstly– I said dont at me
secondly– im not trying to control it? I said my piece about what makes me upset. simple as that

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

To be completely honest: The fact that you guys post this shit on a writing website and not do anything about it in reality makes me think that most of this shit is a bunch of lies.
Any human would NOT think– 'Oh shit I got drugged. the first thing I should do it post for 'advice' on a writing site.' The first thought would be PANIC and perhaps a little common sense?
Like come on. Half of this is bullshit excuses for attention.
And most of the time you receive really shitty and harmful advice from people that are NOT in anyway qualified for it.


This is my vent. Dont @ me

Unfortunately you may never know whether its a heartfelt cry for help or for attention…. You can never know just what someone has been going through and trying to deal with. Besides having a safe place to vent, we writers also get to gain a bit more insight on the human condition through this…. I don't mean to sound rude to you nor anyone else here, but if you truly feel that way then maybe you should unfollow this thread…. My short, straight to the point response rant/vent.

Deleted user

damn Eris was just using this chat for its originated purpose and she’s getting @Ted all over

that must be so horrible

I wonder if that shit happened to you guys, how you would feel? Imagine, you were annoyed at school because your teachers assigned you homework, waaah

then someone comes along and undermines you or tells you, hey, who fucking cares

~just my rant uwu~

Deleted user

Oh, here's my fucking vent.
I had a very nice day.
Emphasis on had
I came back from cosplaying and actually breaking my writing block to show my friends my writing.
I instead came back to someone saying they got fucking drugged. I don't care if you post about it, but first, call someone! It's fucking common sense.
Call a helpline, contact a helpline website if you can't call anyone!

Deleted user

Thank you Ella.

I'll shut up since I've said my piece.
But I will be stopping in when I see more harmful advice.
I guess that's just the shitty adult in me trying to make you all understand that life is more about common sense, being strong for yourself because in the end no one else will, and that cries for attention are nothing but useless 15 second validations.

Eris out.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

no don't ask eris to leave she's one of the only ones here who knows what she's doing

I actually didn't really mean that Eris should leave…. I was merely trying to get a point across…. "Before you judge a (person), walk a mile in (their) shoes." This is a reminder to practice empathy.

Deleted user

I still don't understand why you can't just unfollow a chat if it bothers you : /

Deleted user


and anyone here has the right to be on this chat, so like, heck off

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(I follow so I can yeet emotional support and invisible hugs at people who need it. Offer attempts at distractions. And also so I can actually find it when I need to rant.)


I follow it not just cause I made it but also cause I’m The Big Pathetic and have to complain daily about unimportant matters for the sole purpose of validation


Another update:
She found the letter
She sent me a text about it instead of talking face-to-face so that’s good
I’m both panicked and relieved
But now I need to figure out how to respond so it doesn’t look like I’m ignoring her

Deleted user

I still don't understand why you can't just unfollow a chat if it bothers you : /

I never said that the chat bothered me Miriam. I said how people pretty much abuse it bothers me. Kindly step off now. I've had enough of this.

Deleted user

I'm glad that you are finally starting down the path of recovery and getting help Ella. You did something huge and you should take the time to feel a bit proud of yourself.
Taking care of yourself is a big deal and now you can stress less about being alone. You have another person in your corner that will help you. With that support you can overcome your insecurities over time.

You did it. :)
I'm proud of you.

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