forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers


Okay so basically
My therapist had me write a vent letter towards my family which they're not supposed to really see or know anything about the contents of, which is all fine and good, but
Now my mom is trying to get me to tell her what I wrote about her in the letter
So I said I'd rather not talk about it
And then we were silent for the rest of the ride home which means she's probably mad about it

Deleted user

Pickles. It was in an awkward spot and I'M REALLY REALLY stupid okay? So I came here to ask for help that's kinda what this chat is for. What's the big issue with us asking for help?

Deleted user

That… that wasn't meant to be funny

I know…. I 'lol'ed merely because it was somewhat amusing that the conversation went from 'help me' to 'mushy love-fest' so quickly!

I agree with him on this. Also i love the mushy love fest it's adorable…isn't there a happy venting space here?


I did it

She won’t be able to see it until tomorrow night because I procrastinated too long and she’s already asleep but I wrote the freaking letter…

I’m both proud of myself and disappointed at the same time

@Pickles group

Pickles. It was in an awkward spot and I'M REALLY REALLY stupid okay? So I came here to ask for help that's kinda what this chat is for. What's the big issue with us asking for help?

…. Im not saying there's anything wrong with asking for help, but there's some stuff that's more suited to asking parents or using common sense or health class than asking strangers on the internet.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Ella, please don't feel ashamed. You did what you had to do to let her know about whats going on. In the long run it will be beneficial to you. She'll now most likely find time to speak with you as soon as she possibly can. I'm proud of you for being strong during this!

P.S.: Please keep us updated (though I'm positive that you will)! 💖😁

@saor_illust school

I did it

She won’t be able to see it until tomorrow night because I procrastinated too long and she’s already asleep but I wrote the freaking letter…

I’m both proud of myself and disappointed at the same time

I'm very proud of you Ella! For me, it doesn't matter when you did it, as long as you did it. So congratulations!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

So, I have a list of names for characters, but I am too lazy to think of how each of them look and act. I would happily accept assistance from anyone whose interested!

(I'll create a conversation thread for it.)

Deleted user

it always trips me out knowing that someone is singing. has there been any point in the later years of humanity where people have not been singing? think about it. it's the civil war or whatever and someone in cuba or china is singing while you're fighting against your nation for your nation.

Deleted user

but it makes me happy, knowing that someone is in a good enough mood to express that with their voice. oh also i want to cry my eyes out bc i dont know whats going on

Deleted user

That is rather beautiful.

Isn't it? I wanna cry everytime i think about it because humans are so pure and we all just have a certain desire for something. for some people it's happiness, for others it's love, and for me it's money. we all have our own motives and i think that's what makes us human

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