forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I know my frequent stupid overdramatic updates are probably annoying the heck out of everyone but here I am again

So last night I tried to talk to my mom again, walked into the kitchen, took a deep breath, emotionally prepared myself for like 10 minutes, and then my little brother comes screaming through the house because he lost a tooth, which made my sisters get up cause they wanted to see, and completely ruined my chances of talking once again.
I tried again this morning, only for my little sister this time to come screaming through the house cause she lost a tooth and had to show everyone.
I won’t be able to do it any other time today cause my mom decided today will be entirely dedicated to cleaning the house, and then I’m pretty sure she has an event or something to go to tonight so that won’t work…

It just feels like I’m living in a cartoon, every time I try to do this some stupid thing happens that makes it impossible and I don’t know how to fix it
At this rate I’m not going to get anywhere…

Which brings me to my latest terrible idea!

I’m going to write everything down in a letter, leave it under her pillow, and scream some demonic chant under the bed for 3 days until I’m slowly dragged body and soul into the depths of hell!
i Know, It’s possibLy the best idea i’Ll ever have in My lifE

I’m joking, btw
But as I was saying, I really can’t find or make a time to talk with her face to face, and I don’t want to keep putting it off.
Texts rarely manage to portray seriousness unless you word them really well, which I absolutely cannot do for the life of me.
Letters, however, just automatically have a seriousness to them, especially coming from me, someone who only actually handwrites something if it’s an emergency or I have no other option.
So, to avoid having to wait another week or two, I’m writing my problems in a letter for her
But as I mentioned, I can’t word stuff for the life of me…
So who wants to help me write a letter


That was probably the most long, overexplained, and simultaneously underexplained way to ask someone for help that has ever existed, but whatever, I’m going with it

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I would help, but Shuri is probably the better person to ask…
(Especially since I'll be swamped in math homework over the weekend… and am currently in class multitasking this with schoolwork.)

Deleted user

Honestly? I don't think you should proof read it Ella. Or really show it to anyone else–
This is the kind of thing needs to be raw and honest. You're asking for help and that is SUPER personal. You need to sit down with yourself and just write everything out.
Steam of consciousness.

@Echo_6 group

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! People at my school are nothing but a bunch of jerks who need to have drill sargents sicked on them to straighten them out because they do somethings that I wish I could punch them for but I'm only allowed to fight people if they attack first otherwise I'll get in trouble with my parents but they deserve to get the crap beat into them because they are hurting my friends who have done nothing to them and I'm gonna cry out of frustration and angry for my friends.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! People at my school are nothing but a bunch of jerks who need to have drill sargents sicked on them to straighten them out because they do somethings that I wish I could punch them for but I'm only allowed to fight people if they attack first otherwise I'll get in trouble with my parents but they deserve to get the crap beat into them because they are hurting my friends who have done nothing to them and I'm gonna cry out of frustration and angry for my friends.

(I feel that sometimes.)

@Echo_6 group

I'm so ready to just deck someone in the face right now it's not okay. I need a punching bag just so that I don't get suspended from school for violence.


Honestly? I don't think you should proof read it Ella. Or really show it to anyone else–
This is the kind of thing needs to be raw and honest. You're asking for help and that is SUPER personal. You need to sit down with yourself and just write everything out.
Steam of consciousness.

Alright… I’ll do that

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