forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Echo_6 group

No because they aren't doing anything against the school policy.

You can't even count it as harrassment?

Nope. It is literally the worst.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

No because they aren't doing anything against the school policy.

You can't even count it as harrassment?

Nope. It is literally the worst.

yeets hugs at you If you need to punch something, go punch a hole in your school's policy.

Deleted user

my history teacher went off on me today and said I talk too much and said all my assignments were missing even though I've turned them all in, my math teacher yelled me because yesterday I had a pass to miss part of class but somehow that's lying to skip class {??}, a student teacher called my laugh annoying and I have absolutely NO motivation to write for Nanowrimo today.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Fortunately I have yet to encounter a mean teacher…. (I've also been homeschooled most of my life and am currently in my secnd year of public school too… but thanks to all the mean teacher terror stories I hear, I count myself Lucky.)

Deleted user

So my username should explain in short of what happened to me yesterday

But in brief, an explanation: fell off of something, put my hand out on reaction, felt a lot of pain, went to the hospital almost right away (it took some time since we were out of town) and was there for a few hours. Found out that my wrist is broken, thankfully it isn’t a really bad break so as long as healing goes alright I’ll be fine (with maybe some long term problems as I get older. Maybe)

But I’m gonna be like this for at least 6-8 or so weeks (if I can recall correctly)

Right now my wrist looks deformed even though it’s not.

So for a few weeks I’ll be doing a lot of one handed things including typing so I apologize if I don’t respond right away to discussions.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

So my username should explain in short of what happened to me yesterday

But in brief, an explanation: fell off of something, put my hand out on reaction, felt a lot of pain, went to the hospital almost right away (it took some time since we were out of town) and was there for a few hours. Found out that my wrist is broken, thankfully it isn’t a really bad break so as long as healing goes alright I’ll be fine (with maybe some long term problems as I get older. Maybe)

But I’m gonna be like this for at least 6-8 or so weeks (if I can recall correctly)

Right now my wrist looks deformed even though it’s not.

So for a few weeks I’ll be doing a lot of one handed things including typing so I apologize if I don’t respond right away to discussions.

I know exactly how you feel right now dude! A few years ago I fell off of my bike and fractured my wrist (I still consider this as a break, and nothing that anyone says can never change my mind!). I got kinda lucky and only had to wear a cast for 4 weeks; I was unlucky with it being my dominant hand. Felt like forever while I wore the cast, but I did get pretty good at building things on Minecraft using one hand (Xbox 360 version)! Lol

Deleted user

OH MY LORDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD so I was just on Pinterest, right? And I'm saving this pin and suddenly this thing comes up that says I'm getting a virus and have to do this and that, and I'm PANICKING because it won't let me x out, and so I just restart my computer and it's gone.
That was terrifying, I just bought this laptop like two weeks ago lol

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Oof…. I've had that happen a few times on certain web browsers on my mobile devices. (I've had multiple cell phones.)
Honestly unless your computer acts up you're probably fine???
(I'm no tech expert, btw. this is just my opinion)

Deleted user

the worst thing a virus could do honestly is delete my NaNoWriMo WIP {which I still have to work on today whoops}

Deleted user

I actually have something and it's telling me everything is fine, which is why I'm pretty confident

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