forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Okay, I'm doing it!
What should I put in the first post? Like, this chat cannot provide help with…

Figure it out on the thread. You can edit it.

Deleted user

{Okay. I'm making the thread and putting the link here so we can figure it out lol.}

Deleted user

Also, this is really random, but remember that skirt I said I bought earlier? Well, I had to put it on again because my mom had to see what needed to be altered, and… I feel pretty in it which is a little weird for me

@Pickles group

I feel pretty in it which is a little weird for me

that's good. not that it's weird, but that you feel pretty. what kind of skirt is it?

Deleted user

I feel pretty in it which is a little weird for me

that's good. not that it's weird, but that you feel pretty. what kind of skirt is it?

There are kinds??

Deleted user

I feel pretty in it which is a little weird for me

that's good. not that it's weird, but that you feel pretty. what kind of skirt is it?

There are kinds??

AH okay I found a chart
It's like a short pencil skirt with a little bit of flare to it
It's black and has a thick black belt with two big gold buttons and I love it

Deleted user

Thanks El! :D
It's a loose pencil skirt, I think
I'll have to post some photos.

@Echo_6 group

Seeing as how tomorrow is Veterans day I decided to watch some tribute videos for our military. Nothing wrong with that right? Well I came across a video that was titled, "How the Air Force almost killed me." Because I want to go into the military after I graduate from high school, I decided it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to watch it so that I know what to look out for. What could go wrong?
This video pissed me off more than I will care to admit. Because this guy was doing nothing but bitchin' and moaning about how he was set up for failure. He started the video off by telling everyone to thank him for his service. Like I'm not an expert, but dude, I thought it was a selfless service. Also I ain't thanking you for squat considering you never made it past basic training, because you could kill a bunny rabbit in your survival section. And you're gonna bitch about having to drink dirty water? Do you realize what most of the kids in Africa have to drink? If they have anything at all. Also what happens when you're deployed, you get separated from your platoon behind enemy lines and all you have is your weapon? What are you gonna do then?
He goes on to complain about having to walk four miles with a backpack full of rocks in an hour. Like guy, on an easy day of cross country practice, my team and I were told, "Okay you have a six mile loop, one hour, get going." On an easy day! you wanna know what we did for a hard day? Close to thirteen miles. And guess what? My team which was only thirteen strong, didn't complain about nothing. This is while one had a badly sprained knee, three were getting over bad sicknesses, one had asthma, one had shin splints, I had an unknown knee injury, and two had been in a bad car crash. We kept up with our running because we like it, we chose to do it because we want to do well. No one complained ever.
This guy starts to rap it up with saying that his drill instructor threatened to punch him. Now, okay, maybe that was a little much. At least that's what I thought for a moment, but then I thought about it. Drill Sergeant's job is to turn people into soldiers. If you can't follow orders and do what you are told as soon as you're told it you ain't gettin' nowhere. Also if you can't handle getting threatened, you are in the wrong place and you should leave immediately, because you have no right to be there.
I managed to get through that whole video, and at no point did I see anywhere that he almost died. So guy if you ever see this somehow, just know that you were out done by a bunch of dorky high school kids running cross country with a bunch of injuries, and sicknesses.
I will always respect the men and women that actually served the country and are fighting for this country. I do not respect someone who can't handle having to walk a simple four miles.
And I apologize to the rest of you for having to sit through that rant, but I figured this was better than punching someone.

@Pickles group

Yeah, Rachel, that's like, the least he's done. Oh I hate him so much. I'm currently watching a 1 hour 15 minute video of a girl going over all of his drama

@HighPockets group

Yeah, Rachel, that's like, the least he's done. Oh I hate him so much. I'm currently watching a 1 hour 15 minute video of a girl going over all of his drama

Check out Drama and Opinions videos on him!!

@HighPockets group


If I were a man, I would eat his heart in the marketplace.

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