forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Get the classroom code from someone else….. You don't get invited to google classroom. Your teacher gives everyone a code at the beginning of the year and that's how you join.

I was invited…

So then it's not a problem anymore.

I'm still being harassesed

@TeamMezzo group

you should've seen the time I roasted my brother entirely in badly pronounced Kpop lyrics cause he said my taste was bad

i thought i was the only one who did this


"아무 것도 모르는 바보들, Oh no, Oh no, Oh no" (Translation: those idiots don't know anything, oh no, oh no, oh no-)
is probably my favorite and most-used quote to silently insult people with :D
It's technically from a Vocaloid song but whatever it still counts

Deleted user

dudes….im so fucking tired,….like ugh…-plops on the ground-

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All of my friends are made fun of and I hate it. I hate that they’re picked on for looks or past mistakes. I get picked on, yeah of course I do. It doesn’t bother me when they’re targeting me, it REALLY bothers me when it’s a friend though.
Except Emi, she’s so dummy thicc with muscles that no one will fuck with her. And if they do, they’re bitch flutes and have no sense of justice.

Deleted user

dummy thicc i am

Also Kylee u know I’m on your side if anything happens >:D

Deleted user

And if they do, they’re bitch flutes and have no sense of justice.

Excuse you, I'm a bitch flute and I do have a sense of justice

cus you’re an excellent section leader gorl, these guys are sophomores who don’t care about band

Deleted user

And if they do, they’re bitch flutes and have no sense of justice.

Excuse you, I'm a bitch flute and I do have a sense of justice

But you are a powerful section leader who cares.
The ones I’m talking about are drama filled thots who pick on anyone remotely different. I hate them people. One of them in particular that I will not name can jump of a cliff and die after being tortured for hours on end.


Can I just quit school at this point
Tomorrow we have a test in English on sentence diagramming, which I’m not too bad at, but when are going to use this in real life???
Friday we have two tests, in reading and science. The reading test is on The Hobbit, which o have NOT been able to focus on at all. And it’s EIGHT FREAKING PAGES. It’s also worth over 200 points, AND at the very end of the trimester, meaning if I do bad on it (which I will) my grade is going to plummet
The science test is on chemistry, and I’m definitely going to fail the section about balancing chemical equations, because I don’t understand that at all
We also have to have the rough draft for our vocation essays in religion done by Thursday, and I have no idea what I’m going to write about
So yeah, can I just quit school?

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