forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Ella, I swear to you, you can do this. I know it's pretty damn nerve-wracking oh, but I have complete and utter faith in you to talk to your mother! Do you know what it is you want to say?


Even just talking in the mirror is too difficult

I might have to just send her a vague text some day at like 3AM because I can’t do this, every time I think about it I freeze up with fear and I don’t know what to do


I want you to try breathing, okay? And I want you to keep talking into that mirror. Keep practicing, but if it gets too much, your mental health is more important than practice. I suggest you just get it in there and get it over with or else your anxiety will just get worse. Might as well get it over with am I right?

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I elect Shuri as the dad of this group. Also I have a new character I want to rp with if anyone is interested.

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I came out to my mom over the phone after realizing I couldn't do it in person. It works.

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I came out to my mom over my mom after realizing I couldn't do it in person. It works.

Out to your mom over your mom????

Deleted user

I came out to my mom over my mom after realizing I couldn't do it in person. It works.

Out to your mom over your mom????


@Pickles group

(Shuri was already the internet uncle of this group. Idk who the dad was.)

@IHaveADamProblem is the dad. Well, the dam. And I'm the mom. Or the mad. I think. At least, we've adopted a lot of people. But Alex hasn't been on for a long time

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