forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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You know all the tricks to doing that, right?

Breath slowly and don't focus on the problem?

Deleted user

Those are good. I also meant not getting caught. You have a hood?

We aren't allowed to wear hoods in school, and this probably won't be a silent cry. I mean my friend IS dead…I'm just gonna keep it pent up the best I can till I get home. I have Pride Club after school so that'll be nice at least. We have a board game meet every other meeting, and so I brought Cards Against Humanity. It'll be good to have a break, even though I met Meg in Pride Club…it's gonna be a hard few days…

Deleted user

You positive now that she's dead?

Yes. Because our teacher announced it in front of the whole class.

Deleted user

Honestly–rudeness isn't even bad. It's pretty hilarious actually.

Deleted user

Thanks guys. It's been tough but I'm getting through it. Somehow. Mostly just so I don't embarrass myself by crying in front of everyone in class.

Deleted user

Thanks Mezzo. Again it means a lot to me that so many loving wonderful individuals here are offering their love and support. I don't feel so alone. -hugs-

Deleted user

Guys. I just saw Meg in the halls. The Meg I thought was dead, is ALIVE YAAAAAAAY! I feel bad for freaking out but you guys are amazing and now I feel like it was a waste of sympathy but she just said Hi to me in the hall so YAY!

Deleted user

I'm sorry for that Swim. -offers hugs- I'm now only low-key sad cause Meg isn't going to Pride Club which means she can't play Cards Against Humanity. Oh well.

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