forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Oh hush. It happened whether one believes it or not. Anyways I'm not doing NaNoWriMo just cause I'm to busy.

Deleted user

Oh hey guys, just an fyi I started a Monster World rp if anyone wants to join. just saying.


Anyone else here like, really touch-starved or craving casual physical contact? Because I've been feeling that a lot, lately.

It's like, I just wanna high five my friends, or hug them, or casually hold hands, or lay on them when I'm tired, but it's so hard for me to ask for stuff like that? Especially since a few of them don't like to be touched, which I'm totally fine with respecting their boundaries, and the others are also too awkward to ask for that stuff.

I've been trying to get better at it, but it kinda feels like a hole in my chest and my brain ends up convincing me I'm lonely when I'm really not.

I don't ever really hug my parents or my little sister, and they never seem to initiate anything like that except for rare occasions.

I just don't know how to deal, to be honest.

Deleted user

I'm exactly the same way!
There's actually psychology behind this, but here's my personal theory:
Your family is supposed to love you, or at least that's how it feels, right? Other people who you aren't related to, like your friends, don't feel like that. So physical affection from them feels special and enjoyable because you know this person is showing love for you even though they don't have to and aren't 'supposed to.'
And that's pretty cool if you think about it.

Deleted user

As for how to deal, find a friend or two who doesn't mind physical contact. I have a friend who also really like these things, and we hug whenever we see each other, and if one of us needs to be awkwardly held for a few minutes, it's not weird at all. The hard part is trying not to catch feelings.
Is there anyone in your life you could have that with?


I'm exactly the same way!
There's actually psychology behind this, but here's my personal theory:
Your family is supposed to love you, or at least that's how it feels, right? Other people who you aren't related to, like your friends, don't feel like that. So physical affection from them feels special and enjoyable because you know this person is showing love for you even though they don't have to and aren't 'supposed to.'
And that's pretty cool if you think about it.

That is pretty cool, honestly. I like your theory—it makes more sense than all the irrational thoughts in my brain.

As for how to deal, find a friend or two who doesn't mind physical contact. I have a friend who also really like these things, and we hug whenever we see each other, and if one of us needs to be awkwardly held for a few minutes, it's not weird at all. The hard part is trying not to catch feelings.
Is there anyone in your life you could have that with?

I admitted this to a friend of mine recently, actually. She and I aren't particularly close, but we bonded over similar problems concerning our difficult (or in my case, nonexistent) love lives, and she's fun to talk to. Anyways, her response was something along the lines of, "Then I'll have to be sure to drop some love on ya," and I thought that was really sweet.

I also have a couple others that probably wouldn't mind in the slightest, but my problem is more.. I don't really know how to ask for it, and since I'm not used to displays of affection like that, I end up kind of projecting my discomfort, and people get reluctant to do it again. Which I feel like is why the girl I mentioned before hasn't made any moves to follow through, even though she's still super nice.

I already caught feelings for a person, so I can't torture myself anymore than agreeing (like I did two weeks ago) to draw a pen tattoo for him,,, on his torso. In art class. Most nerve-wracking twenty minutes of my life, and I haven't been the same since…


I already caught feelings for a person, so I can't torture myself anymore than agreeing (like I did two weeks ago) to draw a pen tattoo for him,,, on his torso. In art class. Most nerve-wracking twenty minutes of my life, and I haven't been the same since…

crowley voice you w h a t
you're braver than any us marine

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