forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Imma bout to treat you guys like I treat my irl friends- negative comments about yourself in a flippant manner shall result in me using my spray bottle on you.

(Of course, if you really need to talk about something I'm always willing to listen and help the best I can-)

Deleted user

okay lol but wait you said SPRAY BOTTLE!?! oh no….-hides away- meep

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I'm the angry, tired, overworked teen mom of my friend group who's tired of everyone's bs and is either keeping everyone in line or being the one who starts the crap.


@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

And it literally depends on the day; somedays, I'll berate them for being immature or trying to break a school rule
and the next I'm the one who needs to be told to STAHP BEING AN IMMATURE PRICK

Honestly relatable…

Deleted user

I wanna die -hugs Swim- My kin. I am the exact same way btw. But I'm also that weird third cousin who like goes behind the mom of the groups back(which is also me) and shows the kids how to set marshmallow's on fire and shoot them at people, and is told to leave at multiple family events but keep getting invited cause the kids love me.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Puts deputy sticker on Wolfheart's chest
Here is you're spray bottle; treat it with respect. As we all should ourselves.

Smileshappily while brandishing spraybottle

Deleted user

Jumping back in ha. So I am in class right, and I was feeling light headed so I got the essentials to help me, salty snacks(a big ass bag of chips), and hydration (Gatorade and Powerade). People were staring at me so I hid my face in my boyfriends jacket and tried not to make eye contact with anyone

Deleted user

No let me die -opens mouth- if you´re gonna squirt it, at least quench my thirst.

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