forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

I'm at my friend's house for a sleepover and

  1. I'm not having fun
  2. I left my glasses and extra contacts at my house and no I can't sleep in my contacts and no I can't deal without. I can't see five inches in front of my face without them.
  3. I want to go home so bad but I don't want to hurt her feelings
  4. I have so much writing I'm supposed to get done
  5. I hate her entire family
  6. They won't let us do anything
  7. I can feel myself about to have a breakdown

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Yeah, this is gonna e in peices since I have a few Rp's going strong.
So for starters, My mom.
Shes threatened my writing again cause apparently I spend too much time doing it. and too much time on the computer.
I try to take time off from homework cause I'm stressed to do something I enjoy, I get yelled at and threatened later.
Not cool.
(there is more.


Yeah, this is gonna e in peices since I have a few Rp's going strong.
So for starters, My mom.
Shes threatened my writing again cause apparently I spend too much time doing it. and too much time on the computer.
I try to take time off from homework cause I'm stressed to do something I enjoy, I get yelled at and threatened later.
Not cool.
(there is more.

Definitely not cool

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I had a week, where my h key didnt work. my google auto correct won't correct a singular e anymore, when it's supposed to be he.
And now, it' my b, w, and o keys!!

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I also hate my charger cord.
I've been stuck with my school chromebook for the past 3 months, (Crappy keyboard and restrictive settings and loopholes for every sync option and all.
I finally get my personal one back, and it's charger stops working.

@Pickles group

Hey Picks, it's OK to tell her you wanna go home
You do need your specs after all

Ah I've started being less miserable and they had extra solution and cases so yay I guess. We looked at pinterest and ate candy for a solid hour at least and now we have to go to bed


Hey Picks, it's OK to tell her you wanna go home
You do need your specs after all

Ah I've started being less miserable and they had extra solution and cases so yay I guess. We looked at pinterest and ate candy for a solid hour at least and now we have to go to bed

Glad you had fun!

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

And onto a more serious one.
I've realized that I have behaviorial issues.
A few years ago my mom was married to an abusive monster. Who is not mine, but my sister's father.
He was in my life from when I was really really little. (I barely remember the wedding,tho I believe I was the flower girl.)
That man. He was a MONSTER.
He ued to criticize me for EVERYTHING.
How I walked,talked, ate, spoke, moved, fidgeted, ect.
I was so used to it, that now I cant differentiate my mom's rules, from his.
I'm so used to not complaining, or asking for help, or anything, because I'd get in trouble or some shit, that I won't think to do it anymore until it's already to far gone to save.
But the worst part is, is that I've been copying him without realizing it.
I've been criticizing my siblings on everything, Exactly how I was criticized.
My mom mentioned it finally, (and this was a while ago) and I honestly hadn't realized that that's what I was doing.
I was reminded of the THINK acronym, (Is it Truthful, Helpful, Important, Needed, Kind)
And told that if I can't be kind, then I was to stay silent.
I asked what I was to do when I couldn't find a kind way to say omething that had to e said when I had a problem. and I was still told to be quiet or come to my mom.
And my mom…. For a whole other host of issues, (Which I won't say here because they are much more personal) I really don't feel like I can trust her with anything really improtant right now ecause she downright etrayed me.

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