forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I was celebrating Dziady last night

for my first Dziady outside of Belarus, it was good (despite being a smaller family celebration)

Deleted user

I was celebrating Dziady last night

for my first Dziady outside of Belarus, it was good (despite being a smaller family celebration)


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It's a quiet day Jake. It happens.

sorry, i just…i don't know.. right now im in a low…day after halloween, but aside from my mess of a brain, how was everyone's halloween for those who celebrated it.

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God I smacked my leg against a table and now have a horrible bruise on my thigh,and I've gotta take a test I know I'm gonna fail

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I am being forced to eat meat even though I'm vegetarian because my school won't make anything without meat

Deleted user

just wondering, is anybody else in here diagnosed with anxiety?

i am…sadly, and hold on i'll change my name….

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-sits in silence listening to my music, humming along with it-

Deleted user

So eat the fucking vegetables and fruit. Or don't eat. Or bring your own food.

I love this reasonable aggression.


just wondering, is anybody else in here diagnosed with anxiety?

i am…sadly, and hold on i'll change my name….

i think your problem is that its your profile name but your username is something different

Deleted user

how do you stop worrying about everything all of the time?

I don't lmao i just learned to accept it and just roll with it, though that's not very good

I was doing better until recently but im slowly giving up so im probably not the best person to talk to about getting help with stuff like that

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