forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

And lastly. Cadets.
The biggst problem of my life rn.
(also apparently my e key doesn't like me either.

Go on?
(Also can you get on here via phone? That'd help

I cannot get on here via phone. Only my chromebook.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

It is when you're litaerally told that you can't speak plainly about major issues in your family unless it's alone with someone who literally betrayed you on something extremely important.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

And lastly. Cadets.
The biggst problem of my life rn.
(also apparently my e key doesn't like me either.

Go on?
(Also can you get on here via phone? That'd help

And the Cadets thing.
Long story short, when I joined over 3 years ago, I knew I was different.
I was the homeschooler, the outsider, the quiet goody two-shoes in the back of the class.
I still am that kid. I have no friend group with my peers, and the other females on my level, seem to hate me.

There has also been a MAJOR lack of communication between parents and staff.
I have ALWAYS acted as a relay in order for my parents to get ANY info on anything.
And it was ALWAYS short notice.

But what irks me most is the absolute LIES.
I am a Mastercorporal cadet.
I should have been promoted to Sargent awhile ago.
Wanna know how I know this?
My mom talked to the Zone officer, (Higher up than all the staff at my corp)
And he said I'd passed all my PO checks. and there was only pne problematic one, (passed with difficulty) that had zero notes.
My cadet staff officers, have told me that that PO check is uncompleted, with zero documentation.
I should be a sargent.
But I'm not.
And they LIED.

They also LIED about my uniform.
I have been stuck in civilian clothing since the start of the training year because I cannot wear full dress because I am missing a piece of the uniform.
I handed in said piece on the first night of the year because I had outgrown it.
(This was early Sept)
Now it's OCTOBER. and I'm still out of uniform, & constantly being called out on it.
Wanna know what else?
My mom talked to them early this month,and they told her theyd have in a couple weeks, and that all the Junior, ne joiner cadets had been outfitted. (they told my momearlier in the year that I'd be outfittd with the piece I neeeded after the Juniors) They told her the juiors, ALL of the juniors. Had been fully outfitted.
I know for a fact they're not.
There is maybe half a dozen, ten of them tops, that have uniforms.
And they told my mom all of them were in uniform.
I still don't have my tunic either.

They also haven't een communicating. ANd last Saturday I had to bus across town after nearly having a panic attack, (Which I've never dealt with before) because they changed the location of an event, and no info was sent out to anyone ho wasnt at the parade the Wendnesday before, (Which I couldn't attend due to being sick for the entire week)
So I had to bus, walk, and take the train across town to try an make the shift, and ended up wasting my afternoon hanging around the armoury. (Because both my parents were unable to get me right away) And I didn't get marked as having completed the shift.
I also got no apology for that.

So yeah. Now I'm going to transfer corps, and go to another city for the program, and leave all my friends that I do have there.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Overall my life is crap, especially since I've had no one I trust to talk to alone after I left notebook,
so, you can all carry on now. I'm good for the most part.

@Pickles group

It is when you're litaerally told that you can't speak plainly about major issues in your family unless it's alone with someone who literally betrayed you on something extremely important.

Ah. So worse than my family

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

It is when you're litaerally told that you can't speak plainly about major issues in your family unless it's alone with someone who literally betrayed you on something extremely important.

Ah. So worse than my family


Deleted user

im so fucking done………………i got blamed for stealing money….even though…..i didn't…..and i fucking HELPED THAT PERSON…. I GAVE THEM THE REMAINDER OF MY MONEY….

Deleted user

My sympathies man…

-cries hard- why the fuck would i get back stabbed by someone….whom i helped get into showchoir with………

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

So, the fashionably late Halloween party was an absolute blast; I got reacquainted with some old friends that I haven't seen in a while, and danced! I'm now carefully drinking multiple glasses of good ol' H2O, because I imbibed in alcoholic beverages (99.9% legal for me btw) to cleanse me of my intoxication. I only wish that the DJ hadn't forgotten that I wanted to sing 'Hotel California' for karaoke…. Tonight was definitely worth not reaching the 2nd day word count for NaNoWriMo!!!!!

@Pickles-Is-Team-Anti-Duck I'm glad that the night improved for you!

@Wolfheart (love the username) I sympathize with you girl, and have some advice for you:

  • I hope that you don't mind me asking how your mom threatened your writing. (I'm aware that this one isn't advice….)
  • You should, for mental health reasons, definitely take breaks from homework. (I had a routine that actually worked rather well for me while I was in school, and am willing to share that routine. This offer extends to anyone else that could use it!)
  • Try taking your device into a repair shop.
  • Test out/purchase another charger cord
  • As far as your behavrial issues go, it's a tremendous first step to self-repairment to admit this, and I'm proud of you for taking that leap!
  • Try to have a 1-on-1 heart-to-heart conversation with your mom asap if you can. Start out by kindly asking her not to interrupt you when/if the conversation takes place.
  • I know that it sucks having to leave your friends, but I feel know that going to a different corps I the right move! Perhaps you can exchange #s, emails, etc with your friends so that you can keep in touch.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

For the first one,my mom has basically threatened, (Multiple times) to delete/toss anything I have that it writing related, (google docs, my Airtable account, tossing my notebooks) and then threatening to ban it until I'm eighteen.
Second one, yeah, I know this, and I have a system, my mom just doesn't understand it.
third: I do actually have another cord, it's just at my dad's and I don't see him until the weekend. And I know for a fact it's not the device.
Fourth: I'm glad I'm going the right direction
Fifth: I have actually tried multiple times. ut for many many many reasons, it never works. So at this point there is really no point in trying. (And I've done this in every way,from writing to texting, to talking.)
Sixth: It's not that I have a problem with getting a whole bunch of phone numbers, its that I already have a digital way to contact the important people, it's just one friend in particular, whom I consider my bestie, cadets was kinda the only place I'd ever see her…. so…. :(

Deleted user

-looks around, still crying- w-where's my boyfriend…….

offers hugs and soft things Idk, but is there any way I can assist?

-takes in hugs- can i have cuddles……please…..i dont care whom from…

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

-looks around, still crying- w-where's my boyfriend…….

offers hugs and soft things Idk, but is there any way I can assist?

-takes in hugs- can i have cuddles……please…..i dont care whom from…

Cuddle you If I could teleport through the screen I would…

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

im so fucking done………………i got blamed for stealing money….even though…..i didn't…..and i fucking HELPED THAT PERSON…. I GAVE THEM THE REMAINDER OF MY MONEY….

Awe, Jake that totally sucks dude! I can empathize with you here, for I too have been blamed for doing something that I didn't, in fact, do….

Years ago I was friends with two kids who were actually quite friendly in face-to-face day-to-day interactions. One day they decided to spray paint their bike seats white, and blamed not only myself but my best friend for the act. These boys, despite having the evidence on their hands, managed to convince their parents to their lie; the parents in tern set sights on my parents, and spread the lie to my parents. While my best friends parents listened to him, and believed that he had nothing to do with painting the seats (our hands were quite literally clean) my own parents refused to look at my hand, falling for the deceit of my so called 'friends' and grounded me as a result. I desperately tried to tell and show them the truth. I was obviously deeply hurt and angry by what happened, and felt betrayed.

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