forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers

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Have you told him that Miriam/May/Moony/GQ/Mirimay/Whatever other names I have on this website would like to judge him and therefore he should join
To be judged

Deleted user

Yes, yes I have. And many other beans as well. He's depressed rn tho so…i dunno.

Deleted user

We can help with that
This chat is great for being depressed

Deleted user

Yeah, but…right now he says he just needs me. I want him in a better mood before introducing him to a bunch of new people ya know? So I'm giving him my time and love.

Deleted user

Yus. Also this is a message to all who I am roleplaying with: This class is a study hall and I have nothing to do in it so please reply to our roleplay, and also: Does anyone else want to rp???

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And it's only now that I realize what a stupid decision that was.

Deleted user

Oh my, it's getting hard to breathe. I think I'm starting to understand the gravity of the situation now-

Deleted user

Because i literally found small patches of gray hairs today. I'm still quite young. And the stress of two jobs, i'm sorry. It's too much. One of my bosses was really nice, but the people who work there treated me like a sack of crap. And the other boss was my grandpa, and while he's a good guy, i just can't.


Lori I honestly think it's for the best. It's not worth straining your mental health and well-being

I agree
Lori have you considered like, applying for food stamps?

Deleted user

Lori I honestly think it's for the best. It's not worth straining your mental health and well-being

I agree
Lori have you considered like, applying for food stamps?

I don't need to worry about supporting myself and my aunt for the rest of the year, so I think for now I'm good.

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