forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Boys are a pain. Date yourself.

And then cheat on yourself with your bed.

I'm starting to think your only two moods are "my boyfriend is awesome" and "dudes suck" and I'm here for it

I don't consider the literal ball of sunshine/golden retriever person/angelic cloud thing that I'm dating an actual human….so boys will always suck.

Deleted user

Also Eris your adorable. You…sound sort of like anyone who dates my character Alex,Satsu,or Evan and I am HERE FOR IT!


we can't say all boys suck, that's a sexist blanket statement

a more accurate phrase would be that everyone of every gender sucks and humanity is doomed


Deleted user

Hey Ella? Thank you. So much for saying that. Now I hate advertising myself but seeing how much all of you are on, doesn't hurt to ask. Does anyone want to RP? If so, just send me a DM. I have prompts and stuff.

Deleted user

Also Eris your adorable. You…sound sort of like anyone who dates my character Alex,Satsu,or Evan and I am HERE FOR IT!

The odd moment where you haven't been called 'adorable' like ever and don't really know how to react?
I hope this character you speak up of a punky bitch because that's all I describe myself as in reality.


Y'all know cinnamon roll characters? Yeah, my boyfriend is like, a real life cinnamon roll. He always offers to pick up everyone else's trash, opens doors, says thank you seventy million times when we take him literally anywhere, doesn't want to inconvenience anyone, and always texts me 'Have a good day' after school. Literally even my mom called him a bean lol. 10/10 bean

@TeamMezzo group

guess who has 16 people in a body and none of them got any sleep last night?
everyone in system jabs thumbs at themselves
US! don't you just love having system crises all night?

Deleted user

Hey one of my irl friends might be joining! If she does she'll come on over to this thread and I'll introduce her

That's one of my biggest fears lol

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hahaha…i might try to convince my boyfriend to join. I think being here to have a supportive community will help.

Deleted user

hahaha…i might try to convince my boyfriend to join. I think being here to have a supportive community will help.

I want to meet Justice, so I support that 100%

Deleted user

He sounds like a good boyfriend
And as your fam
We need to judge how good he actually is

Deleted user

THAT IS TRUE! Only my good close friends get nicknames, y'all are special to me. So I'll get him on here.

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