forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers


I'm feeling better now, drew something I'm quite proud of so that helped, but thank you so much Shuri <3 You're amazing and I hope you realize that~

Deleted user

in fact my boyfriend and i both think she's pretty so uh get rekt


I was looking at my character list on here and laughed because some of my characters are so into detail, like Talon Jae Fisher, every section is filled out and then some are like Name:Six, and all that is filled in is her hair style. It helps me keep my mind off of my first blood drive tomorrow

@saor_illust school

Mm ok let's talk about something other than that then together :)
How about… did you maybe want to exercise your creative imagination and make a brand new character and try and fill in every single section and field possible?


Tfw you had to stay half an hour late at work, you started your period before going to said work, and your brother made you cry because you're emotionally unstable rn and he's being a bitch and doesn't appreciate anything you do

Deleted user

That Feeling When. Don't worry, this confused ya fren too.


I am very tired and like, in the car when he started being a bitch, I told him I really didn't have the patience right now. Then he kept on whining about not getting a milkshake (I work at an ice cream place and we were out of milkshake mix) and apparently I'm not allowed to be tired after standing for six hours and dealing with stupid people. He kept talking about how I only work one shift a week, 'if that', which is total bullshit, and that I never do anything productive and all sorts of stuff like that. Like, bitch, you didn't have a fucking job at my age. I have every right to be tired. My boss only scheduled two people, including myself, to do the entire closing. We had to stay half an hour after to get it all done, and I was just tired of everyone and everything. I'm working really hard to get money and stuff and he's undermining everything I'm doing because he's in fucking marching band, which he loves, and it was hot today. Like, I don't enjoy working. I'm doing it to prepare for my fucking future. You've got two hundred dollars to your name because you never work and you waste your money on shit you don't need. Stop telling me I'm lazy you stupid fucking dick.
(I apologize for the strong language but I'm just done right now. I'm not feeling too hot)


For some god forsaken reason his opinion still matters to me so now I'm just kinda locked in my room, trying not to cry. So I'm doing fan-fuckin-tastic right now my guys


not sure if i'm interrupting anything but i've exhausted all my friends venting so i'm on here now because i dont wanna bother them anymore.
this past week has been fucking hell. i've had four internet friends softblock me for barely any reason, i had a fight with two different friends, one of which is still ongoing, my boyfriend has been missing for nearly a month(we're in an ldr), i've been fighting disphoria, depression, and my best friend irl is gna be in europe for another two weeks.
i genuinely don't know what to do anymore. i've been trying to find solace in my witchcraft but i can barely find the energy to charm my morning tea, let alone do anything else. i've been so anxious and my suicidal thoughts are back after a whole ass year and i can barely fight them off. i'm really at my limit rn and i have almost no control over any of it and i just. i can't anymore something needs to change i can't i just can't.


For some god forsaken reason his opinion still matters to me so now I'm just kinda locked in my room, trying not to cry. So I'm doing fan-fuckin-tastic right now my guys

If our opinions matter to you, please realize that your points made sense and he was probably sprouting random thoughts since he was in a bad mood. Your job sounds tough, and the fact that you're sticking through with it sounds admirable. I don't think you're lazy! <3


Aw hollow bones that's rough. I'm sure Julian will return, I've been missing the stories, too. You're almost there, though, you just have to fight a little longer, you know?

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