forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Oh! I forgot to tell y'all!
Someone called me a guy the other day irl lol

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It's fine, it's like my pixie cut right of passage lol

@GameMaster group

It’s fine but it’s just kinda annoying because people think of me differently than I want them to. I sure as heck don’t look like a boy but online yeah everyone thinks I’m a dude.

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Real stress is realizing you have literally no real friends {only fake ones} and trying to figure out who to hang with when school starts
Comfort me children

@Pickles group

Real stress is realizing you have literally no real friends {only fake ones} and trying to figure out who to hang with when school starts
Comfort me children


@saor_illust school

oh wow

miriam - don't worry, i had that problem when i moved schools. i would just advise chatting with people that are nice, who knows, maybe you'll strike up a real friendship! it's good that you realized none of your "friends" are genuine though. also, if there are any new kids at the school, maybe you can hang with them a bit too! perhaps show them around… if all else fails try to make friends with the guys. trust me, there's a lot less drama involved with the boys, or at least in my school.

caustic - wait what happened?


Idk our fridge just stopped cooling things. My dad opened the freezer part and all the ice cream and stuff was liquid. The fridge part doesn't work either. We called a guy and there's a leak in the cooling unit or something. We had to throw away hundreds of dollars worth of food, so we're kinda living off of sandwiches and non refrigerated stuff rn. It's been broken for about three days and my dad's out to get a new one at the moment. In addition to the guy hitting our car, school starting up soon, and all that, we've lost a lot of money recently

@Knight-Shives group

My friend walked over to my house. But I told her I didn't really want to hang out, I kinda felt bad. I felt even worse when she stayed outside and my brother went to hang out with her. My mom asked me if I was ok, because I didn't want to hangout. I told her I was, but I'm not sure maybe something is wrong because of that.

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Not important, but now I'm trying to decide whether or not to Google it, as a very easily grosses out person

Deleted user

I did. Not so bad. I didn't watch any of the videos or images though– that probably would've been too far lol


Miriam, I kinda get that. Maybe you should try branching out and making new friends. Whatever the case I wish you a very, very good day and lots of real friends.
Ella, everytime you feel invalid I want you to think of the contributions you've made to this site and in helping the people here. You're a hero in my eyes.
Caustic, I know how you feel. On the way back from the new Lion King movie this grade-A bitch (haven't seriously called anyone that in a long time but it's warranted here) backed into us.
She was like a total Karen, the kind that belongs on r/entitledparents. So mood

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