forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers

@Knight-Shives group

I haven't said or done anything to the person I'm role-playing with. But basically I wasn't on my phone responding for maybe an hour. They sent 7 messages. Now I'm trying to figure out how to tell them they need to stop.

Deleted user

Say "If I don't respond to you within 3 minutes, don't pester me because I'm probably doing something way more important than tending to your need for roleplaying"

or not-

@Pickles group

Change "something way more important than tending to your need for roleplaying" to "something else" if you wanna be more polite. Unless they don't stop

@Knight-Shives group

Also something that annoys me a little less but is still annoying me, they are having me play 4 characters. In the beginning they said they would play 3 I play 3 now basically they decided to play 2 because they could have their own characters interact. Also they are basically controlling everything my character does other than speech.


Hm, send a message kindly telling them that A. you have a life and B. to stop controlling your characters. If they don't stop, straight up just be rude as hell then block them :D

Deleted user

Dear annoying RPer,
You :) are not :) my top priority :) :) :) :)
Now leave me alone
{Try that}

Deleted user

I just finished my first animation and I'm so freaking proud of myself do you know how long this took


My squad and I had the brilliant idea of getting a fog machine and on the first day of school (were gonna be eight graders) we will turn it on in the hallway with a fan so it doesn’t get too Smokey and for dramatic effect and play let’s kill this love by BlackPink on top volume and march into the hallway like the drama queens we are. With sunglasses.

@saor_illust school

ok? are you sure you're not gonna be in trouble? (and yay we get to be 8th graders together this year! no, i don't know you irl but you get the point)


The thing is, we will have to walk in single file or two at a time because we don’t have a double door. We only have 120 lockers. At the most.

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