forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Shuri-is-adopting-new-kidsss! thank you uwu I appreciate it


I find it depressing that I’m trying my hardest in Latin Class but my mom just refuses to realize that I just can’t DO it. I know some stuff but I have an 72 which is almost failing and my mo, just thinks that if she yells at me enough something will click njt it just doesn’t work like that.


I find it depressing that I’m trying my hardest in Latin Class but my mom just refuses to realize that I just can’t DO it. I know some stuff but I have an 72 which is almost failing and my mo, just thinks that if she yells at me enough something will click njt it just doesn’t work like that.

Would you like help?


And my Latin teacher never actually taught the subject! Just goes here’s a packet. Read it. A B S O R B T H E L A T I N! WHY ARENT YOUNLEARNIBG IT! UGHCGHDMFHDV,GJRTJSFGMJF,GJFKUUMFMGHFFYJHT

@GameMaster group

I want to tell my parents I’m Bi but I don’t want to load stuff on them since they are still trying to deal with all this mental illness stuff. But then I feel guilty for keeping it from them.


I want you to make a list of things you have to do this week from severely important to completely unneeded.
Then PM it to me

I will once I have the time

@Pickles group

I'm stuck at my parents' friends' house and we've been here for a really long time and I have to be somewhere in ten hours and it requires me to be fully awake and functional and active and I still have to take a shower and we're parked in and THESE PEOPLE REFUSE TO LEAVE


I want to tell my parents I’m Bi but I don’t want to load stuff on them since they are still trying to deal with all this mental illness stuff. But then I feel guilty for keeping it from them.

You can drop a few hints and eventually open up when they don't seem too busy. I'm sure it'll all work out. <3 Try not to stress yourself out about it, okay?

@Knight-Shives group

Friends, I don't want to tell my parents I'm pan. But I feel my dad figured it out (thanks video games) and maybe my mom kinda did too. Or they might think I'm a lesbian. I don't have any idea.

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