forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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what is it you need to do?

A lot. I need to exercise more, actually do school (I'm like 5 months behind on a few subjects because my parents don't monitor our school work and oh my gosh I'm terrified), work on my characters/writing stuff for once… I just don't want to be the lazy little feather who simply floats around all day not doing anything. I want to actually do stuff that isn't binge-watching different YouTube channels in a dark room with a pencil

Deleted user

y'all ever have like a depression attack? kinda like of an anxiety attack but it's just so freaking,,,, can't come up with words Like, it's hard to move, I'm putting all my energy into typing this thing that no one's gonna care about or even read like what the hell am i actually doing anymore? why bother to do anything? why bother with grammar or capitalization? why bother with life, you know? it's hard to describe. anyway how is everyone?


Oh holy jesus that is EXACTLY what happens to me. It's exactly like an anxiety attack but just SAD. It just randomly pops up and then goes away in like an hour but in the meantime i legit don't want to do anything at all ever again.

Deleted user

Lol existential crisis buddies! i've been having an existential crisis for about two hours now and i want it to go away. Do you happen to have any tips on how to murder this feeling?

Deleted user

Do you want to explain it?

are you talking to me-


Ok so I listen to showtunes, that definitely helps me. If I need to cry, I go outside and cry as hard as I can before going back inside so I can get all that out, then I try to eat something, thugh I can't always, and put on sad music, usually. But that's because I never think I deserve to get out of this episodes. If I actually am trying to end it, I'll put on more music that makes me happy and try to dance, even id I'm not feeling it.

Deleted user

Okay well. I kinda feel like a worthless bag of tears, for starters. I highkey want to fade out of existence. I have this feeling in my gut and my heart, and it's just so heavy. I know that deep down if I really had to, I could move. But honestly, I would rather throw myself into a fire than exert any form of energy. Even blinking is difficult. It's like remorse mixed with sadness but escalated by about 100. I don't make any sense. It's kinda hard to describe.


Try to clear your head? Get some fresh air, plug in some headphones, go out in the rain, anything that'll get your mind off of the rest of the world. Something as simple as downing a glass of water could help. <3


No, I completely understand the feeling. I don't think I can help you get out of that, because I can never pull myself out of that. I just sort of… scroll through the internet and wait for something to make me happy.


Sometimes when I am having an existential crisis and it gets too bad what I do know is I go on YouTube and watch a lot of dank memes, preferably hold someone's, if you would like some wholesome memes, I will be happy to link them to you!

Deleted user

Thank you guys, I really appreciate y'all uwu very large hugs
And Shuri, I would like to see some wholesome memes if that's alright :)

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