forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@TeamMezzo group

Just 👏because 👏my 👏voice 👏tone 👏may 👏change 👏during 👏a 👏conversation 👏doesn't 👏mean 👏I 👏am 👏raising 👏my 👏voice, 👏annoyed,👏 raising 👏my 👏tone, 👏or 👏talking 👏back👏
It's just me talking


@Knight-Shives group

Just 👏because 👏my 👏voice 👏tone 👏may 👏change 👏during 👏a 👏conversation 👏doesn't 👏mean 👏I 👏am 👏raising 👏my 👏voice, 👏annoyed,👏 raising 👏my 👏tone, 👏or 👏talking 👏back👏
It's just me talking


It's annoying and I'm accused of talking back all the time (but that is how conversations work)

@GameMaster group

Just 👏 because 👏 I 👏 move 👏 my 👏 eyes 👏 during 👏 our 👏 conversation 👏 doesn’t 👏 mean 👏 I’m 👏 rolling 👏 my 👏 eyes 👏 it 👏 means 👏 I’m 👏 human 👏 and 👏 I 👏 move 👏 my 👏 eyes 👏 sometimes.

@Knight-Shives group

I feel like all of these could be summed up to parents by: get your confidence in check. Just because I'm a teenager doesn't mean I'm giving you attitude 24/7. I'm just human and this is how I am.

@GameMaster group

No but my kindergarten teacher once sent me to the office because she was yelling at me and I moved my eyes and she said I rolled my eyes. And once this girl hated me so her mom yelled at me but we were supposed to be going inside after recess and I kept looking back to make sure we weren’t being left behind and she yelled at me more for not looking and her, and then again for staring at her. Yes this happened. Wtf do adults think is going through our heads?

@Pickles group

No but my kindergarten teacher once sent me to the office because she was yelling at me and I moved my eyes and she said I rolled my eyes. And once this girl hated me so her mom yelled at me but we were supposed to be going inside after recess and I kept looking back to make sure we weren’t being left behind and she yelled at me more for not looking and her, and then again for staring at her. Yes this happened. Wtf do adults think is going through our heads?

Once my kindergarten teacher made me get up and change my card to red (it was green, and if you do something bad, you change it to yellow, and if you do something else bad, you change it to red after that). I didn't do anything wrong at all, I was just sitting criss cross applesauce, up straight, looking at him and paying attention. I think it's what started my lack of attention in class.

@Pickles group

Drink lots of water and eat something. Like, dry cereal or crackers. NO MILK. NO YOGURT. I know from personal experience

Deleted user

Dudes… Apparently I'm getting an MRI at some point soon.

Oof, I've had multiple.
And after my surgery TOMORROW {Whaaat?} I need another one

@Knight-Shives group

Dudes… Apparently I'm getting an MRI at some point soon.

Oof, I've had multiple.
And after my surgery TOMORROW {Whaaat?} I need another one

What is the surgery for?


So um. I caught my boyfriend with another girl. They seemed only to be flirting but. Still. He never told me and usually he would tell me if he ate something new for lunch. I don't know. This might be retaliation against me for telling him I developed a small crush on someone else? I don't know. I just don't know. This is literally the first healthy relationship I've been in and I really wanted it to succeed but. icantstopcryinglmaorip

There's a chance you're misunderstanding. However, it's also possible you're not. I think you should talk to him about it. Ask him whether she's a new friend of his (NICELY) and see how he reacts. His face can tell you a Lot about what's going on.


So um. I caught my boyfriend with another girl. They seemed only to be flirting but. Still. He never told me and usually he would tell me if he ate something new for lunch. I don't know. This might be retaliation against me for telling him I developed a small crush on someone else? I don't know. I just don't know. This is literally the first healthy relationship I've been in and I really wanted it to succeed but. icantstopcryinglmaorip

There's a chance you're misunderstanding. However, it's also possible you're not. I think you should talk to him about it. Ask him whether she's a new friend of his (NICELY) and see how he reacts. His face can tell you a Lot about what's going on.

Can confirm.
Try this advice

Deleted user

Dudes… Apparently I'm getting an MRI at some point soon.

Oof, I've had multiple.
And after my surgery TOMORROW {Whaaat?} I need another one

What is the surgery for?

My knee! I was all excited to get rid of this big brace, but guess what?


Deleted user


@Pickles group

Do you ever feel like…you act too young? Like, you're just chillin' and all of a sudden it hits you that society says you're supposed to be doing all these things at your age and you haven't even thought about doing any of those things and you feel like you're a lot younger than you actually are and you have way too easy of a time hanging out with people several years younger than you and you haven't done anything that everyone else your age has done and that means you're failing?

Deleted user

I feel like I AM too young. Like, maybe it's just cuz I'm depressed or something, who even knows, but I feel like I've been alive for at least 20 years. Like, why am I not fricking 20??????? I have been around for so long!

… You know?

Deleted user

No. You're almost never supposed to wear braces or similar devices at night for blood flow reasons. Hopefully it'll be the same for the new one

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