forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

A random change of subject
Doctor: so do you find you like guys or girls?
Me, in my head: why do you care, woman?! What does this have to do with my physical?
Me, out loud: neither?


I killed a bee that was trying to sting me. Yay! No sting! I step on bee barefoot. Noooo! The stinger be in my footsie! My cats hate it, so at random times I shove my foot in their face and they go insane. Absolutely insane. I love it.


So this is going to be awkward but I'm having an overflow of positivity and I want to channel it.
Y/N, by god, you are amazing. You light up the room when you walk in, you know that? You're a very special person, with so much to give this world. You are beautiful to me and remember that if ever you're not feeling it. You're talented, and you're smart, and so unique and the only one who could do what you do. YOU ARE GREAT! YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE! If anyone tries to make you think freaking otherwise you SHUT EM UP! Don't listen to them, they're fools to try bring down the angel that you are. Please, love yourself as much as you possibly can, and know you are worth the world.


So this is going to be awkward but I'm having an overflow of positivity and I want to channel it.
Y/N, by god, you are amazing. You light up the room when you walk in, you know that? You're a very special person, with so much to give this world. You are beautiful to me and remember that if ever you're not feeling it. You're talented, and you're smart, and so unique and the only one who could do what you do. YOU ARE GREAT! YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE! If anyone tries to make you think freaking otherwise you SHUT EM UP! Don't listen to them, they're fools to try bring down the angel that you are. Please, love yourself as much as you possibly can, and know you are worth the world.

Can I get a round of applause! Beautiful! 🙌👏

Deleted user

You know that feeling where you just wanna go home? That's me right now but I'm already at home

how do I hug someone online? ifyoueverwannatalkmypmsareopen

@Pickles group

Just 👏 because 👏 I'm 👏 a 👏 teenager 👏 doesn't 👏 mean 👏 I'm 👏 having 👏 sex 👏 with 👏 everyone 👏

@Knight-Shives group

Just 👏because 👏my 👏voice 👏tone 👏may 👏change 👏during 👏a 👏conversation 👏doesn't 👏mean 👏I 👏am 👏raising 👏my 👏voice, 👏annoyed,👏 raising 👏my 👏tone, 👏or 👏talking 👏back👏
It's just me talking

@Pickles group

people I've yelled at before asking why I'm yelling. I'm not, youve heard me yell before. Also people bringing something up just so I do start yelling and everyone stares at me wondering why I'm yelling about ducks or something. Have you nothing better to do?!

@Knight-Shives group

I was have a conversation with my dad about something and during it I changed my tone. And he got slightly annoyed saying something along the lines of You don't have to change your tone or you don't have to raise your tone. Naturally while I speak I may change my tone, start talking really formally, or for some reason say a word with a formal British accent. It's just how I speak


Just 👏because 👏my 👏voice 👏tone 👏may 👏change 👏during 👏a 👏conversation 👏doesn't 👏mean 👏I 👏am 👏raising 👏my 👏voice, 👏annoyed,👏 raising 👏my 👏tone, 👏or 👏talking 👏back👏
It's just me talking


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