forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I hope not. I just kind of hid and ran out if the room without talking to him. I was too embarrassed.

That really sucks. Well, if it makes you feel any better, one time in my freshman year I wasn't aware that I was bleeding, and I bled all over my chair. I sat right next to the door, and I couldn't push in my seat to hide it. I left, unaware of what was going on (thankfully my friend helped me) but the guy I had a crush on actually confronted me about it later! I about died. We actually ended up dating though. But anyway. If your crush is cool, hopefully he'll understand it's a normal thing. Maybe he didn't even notice at all.
Do you a boyfriend at the moment? Just wondering.

Yeah, I do. But it's someone different. The guy I dated who saw the blood from my shark week actually ended up being really abusive towards me.

@Pickles group

Allow me to tell a story
Once, when I was a baby pickle (about a month or two ago), I was wearing jeans. Blue jeans, like every other day. (I wear jeans all the time.) Second to last period, I began to feel something weird. Sure enough on the way to last period study hall, I felt the back of my thigh and it was sticky! When I looked at my hand, it was covered in blood! Naturally, that day I was wearing a shirt that didn't cover my butt and had nothing to tie around my waist. I sat down at the table, uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the blood spot was much bigger than I realized at first, and it was everywhere. Thinking it might help, I moved to the seat next to me. It didn't. Quickly, I turned to the Period Crap chat for advice. Someone suggested using my lunch box and holding that behind me. I'd like to think I was discreet, but I was most definitely not. I got blood on a total of at least three seats, and I hope desperately that they were cleaned.

Deleted user

It is, actually! It's the healthiest relationship I've been in uwu

@Pickles group

Oh no! Poor baby pickle!

Lol, not as bad as the time I got Polynesian sauce EVERYWHERE hiding in a practice room before a basketball game. With no way to get home. Don't have open sauce in a room where you're hiding and have to move and turn the lights off as fast as you can whenever you hear a noise. Don't let your friend tell you youre allowed to stay in the band room before the basketball game, make plans to stay, have his mom bring chick fil a, and then turn out that you ARENT allowed to stay, and proceed to stay anyway. For the safety of your jeans and that chair. Because when you come out of the bathroom to ask your friend if he can see anything on your jeans, not only will your jeans be wet, he will tell you no, but there will still be some. The only positive will be your other friend managed to bring you a sweatshirt to tie around your waist. She will be late, as usual, but you will have your piccolo and get to play it. You will have to wash your jeans at least three times before it really comes out. Sometimes you can see the ghost of it.


That’s not as bad as the time I came late to band, and as the strongest of 4 flutes, my band teacher was furious, but I was soaking wet from rain, my flute was cold and I d on mud on the way to the room, so, to set the scene, I walk in 20 minutes late, soaking and covered in mud, at 7:30 in the morning, and while my band teacher yells at me, I have to unpack my flute in shame while my crush stares at me. Lovely way to start the school day. The mud never came off.

@Pickles group

I've had several fellow flutists suggest we

  1. Make a titanium flute and
  2. Attach a knife to the end. To stab people with. Particularly a certain saxophone player

@Mojack group

My house is infested by ants.

I found 8 on my nighttable, so now there’s a few ant traps (hidden) in my room.
I also found a millipede. No clue how they’re getting in our house though. But it wasn’t a nice sight to see a bunch of ants on the table.

@Pickles group



My house is infested by ants.

I found 8 on my nighttable, so now there’s a few ant traps (hidden) in my room.
I also found a millipede. No clue how they’re getting in our house though. But it wasn’t a nice sight to see a bunch of ants on the table.

I feel you. I got ants too.


I've had several fellow flutists suggest we

  1. Make a titanium flute and
  2. Attach a knife to the end. To stab people with. Particularly a certain saxophone player

My crush plays the saxophone! Stab a clarinet. Their obnoxious.

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