forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

I'm super hyper right now but that's okay because it's a happy hyper and I can just listen to podcasts or audiobooks or whatever I want because I got earbuds and I can't wait to get home and eat my chocolate bar and someone help I can't stop typing it's just like I'm exhausted but it's only 7:00 and I did kind of get sleep last night and please help I'm feeling the need to type my stream of consciousness and maybe I'll just try to type it in my notes or something but then people can't talk to me but probably no one wants to talk to me in this state and I can't blame anyone for that cause even I wouldn't want to talk to myself right now and I don't think anyone could really carry on a conversation with me okay bye I'll try to stop oooh I have the hiccups still

Deleted user

@The-Great-Wizard-Pickles-The-Great you okay? (And I'll totally have a conversation with you-)


Okay, so I leave for camp tomorrow and my birthday is during this time and I'm getting a new phone, except Problem: I don't have Icloud, so I have to email every single document, note, and picture to my email and it pisses me off

@Pickles group

@The-Great-Wizard-Pickles-The-Great you okay? (And I'll totally have a conversation with you-)

Yeah, thanks. I'm okay now

Deleted user

@The-Great-Wizard-Pickles-The-Great you okay? (And I'll totally have a conversation with you-)

Yeah, thanks. I'm okay now

I'm glad uwu


I have to read 30 pages of absolute boringness for school by tomorrow. I bet your thinking, ummm Ellie, that’s easy. Your WRONG. IT TAKES FOREVER. The characters have to goal to work towards and it’s just been a soldier sitting around for the past 5 chapters. I NEED HELP.


My advice is to turn on some catchy music (if you can, that is. Preferably instrumental music or music in a language you don’t speak, that way your brain won’t get distracted by the lyrics) and just read through the thing. I know it’s awful but you’ll be so glad you did once it’s over.

Deleted user

It's the billionth and second time I've listened to Bring Me To Life by Evanescense, and I'm curling up on my floor having a silent panic attack because of the arguing going on in my house. I think I just heard a goddamn plate smash.

Deleted user

I don't know what the fuck to do right now. I'm just gonna die inside I guess? I'm not okay….

@TeamMezzo group

It's the billionth and second time I've listened to Bring Me To Life by Evanescense, and I'm curling up on my floor having a silent panic attack because of the arguing going on in my house. I think I just heard a goddamn plate smash.
I don't know what the fuck to do right now. I'm just gonna die inside I guess? I'm not okay….


Deleted user

I'm reclusive, it makes sense you wouldn't. I'm just a weirdo queer writer with a thing for horror and gore because I'm a literal demon or something? That's just most of what I write because… stuff. But yeah my family argues like this a lot, it's gotten worse ever since my sister started questioning ("We've already got one fag here! Really, (my mom's name), why haven't you took her to counseling?" a literal quote from my aunt. Guess who ain't coming to the next Thanksgiving dinner?) and a recent meltdown I had where I was gonna kill myself. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I probably shouldn't go on about this, I'm just another angsty teen who can't really write, but I'm just having a hard time.

Deleted user

It's the billionth and second time I've listened to Bring Me To Life by Evanescense, and I'm curling up on my floor having a silent panic attack because of the arguing going on in my house. I think I just heard a goddamn plate smash.
I don't know what the fuck to do right now. I'm just gonna die inside I guess? I'm not okay….


What about them?

@TeamMezzo group

It's the billionth and second time I've listened to Bring Me To Life by Evanescense, and I'm curling up on my floor having a silent panic attack because of the arguing going on in my house. I think I just heard a goddamn plate smash.
I don't know what the fuck to do right now. I'm just gonna die inside I guess? I'm not okay….


What about them?

do you need pm's is what i'm asking…

@TeamMezzo group

I'm reclusive, it makes sense you wouldn't. I'm just a weirdo queer writer with a thing for horror and gore because I'm a literal demon or something? That's just most of what I write because… stuff. But yeah my family argues like this a lot, it's gotten worse ever since my sister started questioning ("We've already got one fag here! Really, (my mom's name), why haven't you took her to counseling?" a literal quote from my aunt. Guess who ain't coming to the next Thanksgiving dinner?) and a recent meltdown I had where I was gonna kill myself. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I probably shouldn't go on about this, I'm just another angsty teen who can't really write, but I'm just having a hard time.

oh my gods…
i'm right here for you, okay? no matter WHAT.

Deleted user

I dunno. I'm also hella indecisive, did I mention? I think I might want to call a mental health helpline but I don't have a phone and I can't really ask to borrow one right now.

Update: It's not a plate, it's a gravy pitcher thingy. I don't know what those are called.

@Knight-Shives group

I'm reclusive, it makes sense you wouldn't. I'm just a weirdo queer writer with a thing for horror and gore because I'm a literal demon or something? That's just most of what I write because… stuff. But yeah my family argues like this a lot, it's gotten worse ever since my sister started questioning ("We've already got one fag here! Really, (my mom's name), why haven't you took her to counseling?" a literal quote from my aunt. Guess who ain't coming to the next Thanksgiving dinner?) and a recent meltdown I had where I was gonna kill myself. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I probably shouldn't go on about this, I'm just another angsty teen who can't really write, but I'm just having a hard time.


  1. You sound like an absolutely amazing person
  2. I bet you're great at writing. Better than you think
  3. F your aunt
  4. Counciling to make you unqueer…. Ok? Not that that would ever help. Stupid being queer is fine and completely acceptable.

@TeamMezzo group

I dunno. I'm also hella indecisive, did I mention? I think I might want to call a mental health helpline but I don't have a phone and I can't really ask to borrow one right now.

Update: It's not a plate, it's a gravy pitcher thingy. I don't know what those are called.

oh a gravy boat!!
does your house have a landline? use that if you can.

Deleted user

No we don't. It's not really useful I guess so we never got one.

@TeamMezzo group

No we don't. It's not really useful I guess so we never got one.

okay. the trevor project has an online chat for help. use that. need a link?

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