forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I have fucking crippling self-hatred and baggage I will never be able to get rid of and I want kids one day but I don’t want to fuck them up because of my issues so maybe I just shouldn’t have kids I don’t know I’m thinking about a lot of things right now and I just wish I wasn’t so fucked up and I could just leave myself alone.


I have fucking crippling self-hatred and baggage I will never be able to get rid of and I want kids one day but I don’t want to fuck them up because of my issues so maybe I just shouldn’t have kids I don’t know I’m thinking about a lot of things right now and I just wish I wasn’t so fucked up and I could just leave myself alone.

Try to focus on one thing at a time. Unless kids are at the top of your agenda, don’t worry yourself insane about it. Focus on the parts of yourself that you like. Work through the self-hatred. Easier said than done, but one thing at a time, remember? You don’t need to have a future planned out, you don’t have to know what you’ll do and make decisions such as having children so soon. <3
virtual hugs

Deleted user

As someone who has survived mass amounts of teeth pain from braces, smoothies are your best friend my dude


They gave me braces at the good ole age of 10. Pulled out all my baby teeth and then put me through 18 months of braces. You right, smoothies are life.

@Pickles group

I had braces from sixth to eighth grade and all of freshman year and half of sophomore year. I know. I also hate smoothies, so…yeah. you can eat before you get braces on.

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