forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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So people in my town found the West Nile virus in some of the mosquitoes… I'm really nervous that I'm going to get it. Any itch I have I look to see if it's a mosquito bite. I don't have any that I know of yet… so I think I'm good for now, but I'm afraid for my mom, I know she has some bites. Thankfully not every mosquito has it…

Deleted user

Ah damn, I really don't know. Just tell them. But first check if the cat is still okay. If alive and mostly well, take care of it and tell them about the incident. If badly hurt, vet. Now. Ya hear me? No cat left behind. If dead? Tell your grandparents. It wasn't your fault. Just get it over with. Don't prolong tragedy.

Deleted user

guys i got some burritos from the gas station and i just wanted to say thanks-

@Knight-Shives group

My computer just got off of 41 percent and went to 99% yay

I know I said this 2 hours ago… But apparently 100% means time to do something else. I'm only at 54%


Okay, so I go to camp in like 2 days for a week and we have a chance to preform and I kind of been wanting to preform and if I were to, I would sing House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots, except I've never performed anywhere infront of a large group of people just by myself and I have crippling stage fright and really bad anxiety that I have been fighting and I don't know what to do. You guys are like my free therapy, so What should I do?

@GameMaster group

At theater camp we had to deal with a kid with really bad stage fright. He could barely even perform just in front of us but he did fine in the actual show. I never look at the audience during a show. Look past them. No matter how bad you do, if you do it with confidence and stuff nobody is going to judge you.


Stare into the lights, and you'll be so blind, you won't even be able to tell the audience is there XD. I TOTALLY understand being nervous, ESPECIALLY about singing. I had to sing "Middle of a Moment" when I was James in James and the Giant Peach, and I legitimately C R I E D the first time I performed it DURING A DRESS REHEARSAL because I kept thinking I was doing terribly. I'd definitely say try to conserve whatever confidence you do have, and possibly let your mind wander while you sing (unless you're doing something very vocally challenging), it helps me to relax a lot!

@GameMaster group

Yeah I had to yell at a bunch of people in a British accent today in front of like two hundred people. I can’t do a British accent. So I just yelled louder.

@Knight-Shives group

Yeah I had to yell at a bunch of people in a British accent today in front of like two hundred people. I can’t do a British accent. So I just yelled louder.

Also at random times with certain words I will out of nowhere have a British accent

@Knight-Shives group

I was in the middle of french and was talking to a friend. Everything was in my normal accent then suddenly I said another word weirdly in a quite British accent. Immediately my voice went back to normal. She judged me and questioned me for a few minutes.


Kind of but not really. I have set up horrible monsters when i close my eyes and I can’t sleep because I'm terrified to close my eyes.


So I'm on holiday right now and there's a little one, she's turning nine soon, who's developing anxiety. I wanted to talk to her as someone who's had it, but I kept putting it off. But she had an attack last night, and now I really want to talk to her. I'm scared to though, cause I'm feeling mine might kick in again very soon and I don't think bringing it up will help. That's a selfish reason, I know. I also wouldn't know how to bring it up, cause she's very proud and wouldn't want to talk about it, and I don't really know how to talk to kids well.
So I don't know. I probably should, right?


I think it would be helpful for her to see someone who is going through the same thing and that it will be ok. I know from personal experience that telling someone that you went through the same thing and that it will get better always helps. Just let her know that you are always there for her, but it always helps to share a burden.

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