forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

I think she'll be more open to talk about it if you make it clear from the beginning that you have anxiety too. But she still might not want to

@GameMaster group

Yeah I had to yell at a bunch of people in a British accent today in front of like two hundred people. I can’t do a British accent. So I just yelled louder.

Also at random times with certain words I will out of nowhere have a British accent

It was for a play. I was a British headmistress in the 1920s. I had to yell a lot. I have nearly lost my voice.


I think you should talk to her. It might make her feel better knowing she’s not alone and has someone to speak to. And besides, for all you know, talking to her might make you feel better as well~

@Pickles group

I hate when people are like "there's no way to tell xxxxx" but you know there is but you can't tell them because it's just a podcast and you can't talk to them and be like BUT THERE IS LEMME TELL YOU and you just have to sit there trying not to scream and act like nothings wrong


it is 10 a.m. and I am eating Mac & Cheese with frozen 7 Up and listening to Grease. What is my life

Same! Except I’m chilling at Sonic listening to the Riverdale cast.

@TeamMezzo group

I hate when people are like "there's no way to tell xxxxx" but you know there is but you can't tell them because it's just a podcast and you can't talk to them and be like BUT THERE IS LEMME TELL YOU and you just have to sit there trying not to scream and act like nothings wrong

@/welcome to night vale


Don't read if you wanna be happy today.

Firstly, I'm sorry for dumping this on you all.

I can't think about one of my stories or even characters without remembering my past. I know it sounds stupid, but honestly I made connections between innocent characters and a simpler past before "it" all happened. I know this is sad but I need to get this out of my head. I cant write without almost having a panic attack but at the same time if I don't write my head becomes so cluttered and confused that I can hardly function on a basic level. I know that this sounds like an overstatement but it's true. The reason I write is because I have always used it as an escape from this world. In my books my characters are loved and protected, they lived in a world that I could control instead of the reality I had to face growing up. I try to escape my head and picture what might have been.

I'm sorry to anyone who is reading this, you were probably expecting something menial or funny, sorry to disappoint but I needed to get this out for my own sanity.

@TeamMezzo group

Don't read if you wanna be happy today.

Firstly, I'm sorry for dumping this on you all.

I can't think about one of my stories or even characters without remembering my past. I know it sounds stupid, but honestly I made connections between innocent characters and a simpler past before "it" all happened. I know this is sad but I need to get this out of my head. I cant write without almost having a panic attack but at the same time if I don't write my head becomes so cluttered and confused that I can hardly function on a basic level. I know that this sounds like an overstatement but it's true. The reason I write is because I have always used it as an escape from this world. In my books my characters are loved and protected, they lived in a world that I could control instead of the reality I had to face growing up. I try to escape my head and picture what might have been.

I'm sorry to anyone who is reading this, you were probably expecting something menial or funny, sorry to disappoint but I needed to get this out for my own sanity.

hey! get out what you need to. i get it. i really do. do you need pm's?


Don't read if you wanna be happy today.

Firstly, I'm sorry for dumping this on you all.

I can't think about one of my stories or even characters without remembering my past. I know it sounds stupid, but honestly I made connections between innocent characters and a simpler past before "it" all happened. I know this is sad but I need to get this out of my head. I cant write without almost having a panic attack but at the same time if I don't write my head becomes so cluttered and confused that I can hardly function on a basic level. I know that this sounds like an overstatement but it's true. The reason I write is because I have always used it as an escape from this world. In my books my characters are loved and protected, they lived in a world that I could control instead of the reality I had to face growing up. I try to escape my head and picture what might have been.

I'm sorry to anyone who is reading this, you were probably expecting something menial or funny, sorry to disappoint but I needed to get this out for my own sanity.

hey! get out what you need to. i get it. i really do. do you need pm's?

I don't know what pm's are. Sorry

@TeamMezzo group

Don't read if you wanna be happy today.

Firstly, I'm sorry for dumping this on you all.

I can't think about one of my stories or even characters without remembering my past. I know it sounds stupid, but honestly I made connections between innocent characters and a simpler past before "it" all happened. I know this is sad but I need to get this out of my head. I cant write without almost having a panic attack but at the same time if I don't write my head becomes so cluttered and confused that I can hardly function on a basic level. I know that this sounds like an overstatement but it's true. The reason I write is because I have always used it as an escape from this world. In my books my characters are loved and protected, they lived in a world that I could control instead of the reality I had to face growing up. I try to escape my head and picture what might have been.

I'm sorry to anyone who is reading this, you were probably expecting something menial or funny, sorry to disappoint but I needed to get this out for my own sanity.

hey! get out what you need to. i get it. i really do. do you need pm's?

I don't know what pm's are. Sorry

private messages

@Pickles group

You can click on someone's name if they have an @ and hit send a message and only you two can see it. You can pm me too if you want, but I'm not sure I'll be able to help other than offer condolences and listen

Deleted user

My sister in law is napping on my couch and that's fine. What isn't fine is that she's been napping for 15 hours straight, and she just won't wake up. She's alive, but still. it's 3:00 pm and I'm expecting company soon-

Deleted user

She's pregnant I can't throw her to the floor or jump on her-
I'm so doing the art thing, though.

@Pickles group

Okay everyone complains about how in Harry Potter they complain about essays that are a foot long because it's really not that long but they also have the education of ten year olds and no one really teaches ten year olds how to write essays in school and like, don't some of them not even go to muggle school before Hogwarts? Like, yeah if I was a first year or even a sixth year now I'd be fine with it but eleven year old me would NOT
This has been a Harry Potter rant by Pickles
Pickles out <3


Mmk I'm actually just looking for advice so please help-

I'm like,, really sad??? I don't know why, nor do I have a reason, but all of a sudden I'm like rlly sad and stuff. My friend sent me a message about a birthday gift and I was like "Awe you're so sweet :')" and nearly cried?? I don't know what's happening please explain.


@Pickles group

From what I just looked up, it can either be from depression or being bipolar or something of the like, or (I'm guessing this is more likely?) due to health reasons like hormone imbalance or iron levels or something. Idrk. But I relate so hard. Or you could be tired. Maybe dehydrated?


No I'm not tired or dehydrated, I would know bc I get massive headaches when I'm either of those :\ I'm not sure about the rest though. I really don't think I'm depressed or bipolar, but I'm not sure. Both of those are common in my family 'n'. Thank you for the advice, though

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