forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Mojack group

going to get my separators in

my reminder that I’m not that far from getting my actual braces put in
Also I keep on trying to find out how long separators take to put in but quote on quote, the only result I got was “Theyre very painful” like man you think I wanna know that?? Just wanna know how long it’ll take

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

guys !

i just got all the seasons of supernatural !!!!!!!!!!

Woohooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Even though there's actually 7 episodes left of the final season that won't air until fall.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(I really, really, really needed to vent about that. Thanks for listening/reading….. Does anyone else find it strange that we type "thanks for listening" when what we've typed has been read; it's extremely oxymoronic [unless you happen to be blind and have to have things on computers or phones read to you].)

Ay bruh. Just wanted to say I kind of get a part of what you're going through. My old place got bulldozed which high-key sucked.


I finally left the discord server
it's practically gone to heck and I don't like anyone active there except iz, atlas, maybe ocean
I'd noticed for months that it's been consistently tearing me down and that I feel happier on days where I pretend it doesn't exist at all, but I couldn't build up the guts to leave. The only reason I was still there was for the occasional voice calls, cause even though they often left me feeling significantly worse after, they helped with the loneliness for a bit

Recently though, my actual friends (minus my best friend for some reason) have started voice calling each night, and after joining those, it's become really clear that the other server was toxic as hell, and it wasn't just me being paranoid.

so now I've packed my bags, handed iz the server ownership, and poof
goodbye s i m p s, I won't miss you

Deleted user

Well uhm, I'm glad you feel better Ella, whatever makes you happy.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

guys !

i just got all the seasons of supernatural !!!!!!!!!!

Woohooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Even though there's actually 7 episodes left of the final season that won't air until fall.)

If you can find someone that has season 1 on DVD I say that you watch that season that way. Netflix changed some of the music during certain scenes in some episodes that just doesn't mesh as well. This isn't to say that what Netflix changed the music to is bad, its just something that the majority of the fandom strongly agrees upon.


I really need to take this test to finally be all caught up with my history class, but I've been getting up at 6:30 to get onto my classes at 7, which is 3 hours earlier than I am used too. It really sucks taking a summer class and actual online school at the same time

@Echo_6 group

You know what my favorite thing is? When the outdoor freezer decides that on the one day of the week that it's 100 degrees, it's going to stop working! That way everything in it just slowly starts to unthaw and you panic when you realize this, because you're one other working freezer is almost full and you can't fit everything from the outdoor freezer into it, and then the other freezer that you have is out in the well house and it's not plugged in so you have to plug it in as fast as you can and hope that it works because otherwise over a thousand dollars in food is going to go to waist, and to make all of this better neither of you parents are home, and the moment you find this out is when your baby sister wakes up from her nap is screaming and crying, two of your other siblings are arguing in the background, your other sister just sliced her finger open on a knife, and you're an emotion mess because you've just experienced the loss of your best friend/ pet cat.
I just love that. It's my favorite pastime.
By the way hi everyone! I'm back!

@Pickles group

My life goal is for someone icky/creepy to say "it's nice to meet you" and I can look at them distastefully and say "charmed"
Not an exceptionally nice goal, but my only long-term one
Also the hairstyles in season seven of The Facts Of Life are abhorrent. The eighties make me gag

@GameMaster group

I made a whole bunch of new characters for a new story and the dopAMINE IS EXCELLENT but I know it’s gonna leave and then I’ll feel like shit and never write anything about them


There are a few lines from The Scarlet Pimpernel Movie that are golden, I wait for moments when I can use them. Anything that Sir Percy's say's is an absolute treasure.


You know, sometimes when your friend will accomplish something in life and it's fantastic and you're super happy for them. And then there are things they accomplish in life where you act very happy for them but on the inside you're dying because you know this means that you wont be able to talk as much and you may not hear from them for day's and you just cry but you can't tell them that…
No one else, definitely not me either, Haha Cry's


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Just hang on, kid.

