forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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love when I tune back into this thread–we're talking about god.

Yall are so pure

@Pickles group

love when I tune back into this thread–we're talking about god.

Yall are so pure

Hooo boy you missed a lot of drama. It's a wonder you came back to this and not the awful screeching

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

love when I tune back into this thread–we're talking about god.

Yall are so pure

Hooo boy you missed a lot of drama. It's a wonder you came back to this and not the awful screeching

You returned during the grace period before the chaos starts back up again

@Pickles group

Hyperactivity has set. in. I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack but also like. Gotta move. Can't find my fidget spinner. I'd go ask my sister to borrow one of hers but she's mad at me because I thought she had dance today so can't do that. I need to do laundry oh no

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Ella, that's real bummer. I can imagine most traditional Christian therapists veiw mental illness a result of moral failure. Hopefully this one isn't that type of person, but prepare yourself. Also, remember that traditional does not equate to Godly. Just because tradition says something doesn't mean that God did. You don't have to be a "good, straight, feminine, traditional, church-going, stay-at-home mother of 26 kids who only uses art as a hobby and is complete property of her abusive husband", because while the church may be saying that, God certainly isn't. God uses diverse people. Some of the biggest bible characters were gender non conforming or some sort of outsider. Even Jesus was a reject. David probably had depression and was titled a man after God's own heart. This therapist may be able to help, but if you find she's just shoving scripture out of context down your throat instead of listening to you, then you need to do something about it, especially if your mental state gets worse. Definetly tell your parents, or even just tell this lady straight up if she's getting something wrong. If they won't listen, there are other steps you can take if you get to that point.
Also, anyone can feel free to PM me about Christianity/Bible stuff/Jesus stuff. Also if you have questions about ways to get help for mental illness if your parents aren't supportive. I might be able to pass along some resources regarding that.

@Cocoa-Nut Who knows, maybe God is putting you in this terapist's life to actually help her instead.

That said, if you ever feel like she isn't truly helping you then you, the patient, actually have every right to back out. My next bit of advice you should take with a grain of salt since I myself have never had therapy (I probably should've, but we won't get into that)…. If she is not an self-employed threapist you can go to her higher-up (boss, supervisor, or whoever) and report her, especially if all she does is throw Bible Scripture at you.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I can't believe that it has been a little over two months since the flooding/dam failures/dam breaches. So much has been done, yet so little at the same time. It breaks my heart to see the empty remains of the lake that I spent a majority of my life on gone. It breaks my heart to see the town that I've always lived in become a "ghost town". The park that I played at countless times? Gone. The lake in which I learned to swim in, wnet out on my grandpa's pontoon, jetskied, tubed on? Gone. The building that was once home to this quaint mom-and-pop ice cream shop that was just next to the park that I played in? You've proably guessed it; gone. So many very fond memories that I have and cherish and the places that I made them are wiped out, washed away or torn down because of the immense power of millions of gallons of water rushing downstream.

It's been rather difficult for me to try to stay optimistic and hopeful for what the future could bring. Are we rebuilding? Those who can afford to are. The small-town restaurants that originated in my hometown are relocting. Rumor is that it'll be another 4 to 5 years before we have a lake again…. A new park for the future kiddos will be nice, but unfortunately not the same. The dams will be rebuilt (also a rumor) better and stronger so that this natural/man-made disaster might not happen again anytime soon. Ownership of the dams is reportedly going to "more competant hands," that will hopfully regularly inspect them and keep them up to code…. It's been a long 2 months and 9 days.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(I really, really, really needed to vent about that. Thanks for listening/reading….. Does anyone else find it strange that we type "thanks for listening" when what we've typed has been read; it's extremely oxymoronic [unless you happen to be blind and have to have things on computers or phones read to you].)

@GameMaster group

Okay is it just me or are beaches incredibly over hyped. Maybe it’s just because I don’t like sand but like highkey I went today and other than nice pictures it was not fun.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Okay is it just me or are beaches incredibly over hyped. Maybe it’s just because I don’t like sand but like highkey I went today and other than nice pictures it was not fun.

At least you have a beach to go to…. :-'( Its easy to hate/dislike things that we so very often take for granted.

@GameMaster group

Okay is it just me or are beaches incredibly over hyped. Maybe it’s just because I don’t like sand but like highkey I went today and other than nice pictures it was not fun.

At least you have a beach to go to…. :-'( Its easy to hate/dislike things that we so very often take for granted.

Yeah I guess so. I mean we have to drive up to San Francisco so it’s not like a warm sunny beach but yeah it’s a beach with the sand and the water

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Okay is it just me or are beaches incredibly over hyped. Maybe it’s just because I don’t like sand but like highkey I went today and other than nice pictures it was not fun.

At least you have a beach to go to…. :-'( Its easy to hate/dislike things that we so very often take for granted.

Yeah I guess so. I mean we have to drive up to San Francisco so it’s not like a warm sunny beach but yeah it’s a beach with the sand and the water

Granted I live in Mi where I'm never more than 6 miles away from a large body of water. So yeah, there are beaches around me somewhere, but I was refering to the beach (Can I even call it that anymore?) that was on the lake that was part of my hometown before the natural/man-made disaster that happend 2 months and 10 days ago.

@HighPockets group

Okay is it just me or are beaches incredibly over hyped. Maybe it’s just because I don’t like sand but like highkey I went today and other than nice pictures it was not fun.

At least you have a beach to go to…. :-'( Its easy to hate/dislike things that we so very often take for granted.

They're still allowed to dislike beaches though? You don't have to like something more because you have access to it :/

Deleted user

lowkey lakes are better

I live on the east coast in MD so i got all da wata

Deleted user

It’s not nearly as salty lmao

It’s gross depending on the lake (most likely gross), but i got a biiiiig mouthful of seawater one time in NC and I felt like I had gotten a full day’s worth of sodium

@ccb group

i grew up in eastern pennsylvania, no more than an hour or two’s drive from a good beach or a good lake, and i can’t decide which one i like more. i think freshwater is more fun for water activities like tubing and stuff, and the ocean is more fun for actually swimming