forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

You go, my guys. One of you needs to be political and get rid of all the lame boundaries that keep so many people from adopting.

As soon as I can, I'm absolutely getting myself a 16 year old and sending them through a technical college so they can get a decent job and support themselves. But I also want to do a lot of research about people who have been adopted at an older age so I know how to properly parent them, ya know? Cause there's all the feelings and stuff that I'm not sure how to deal with


they aren't really pressuring, this is the first weird comment she's made and my mom stopped with those months ago when she realized my hatred of children only grew each time
it's just super awkward knowing my grandma probably ships me with some guys i've never met

an old woman trying to set up her grandchild relentlessly with boys a decent amount of years older than her is creepy i'm sorry ella

well yeah definitely creepy, but unfortunately not uncommon
i'm just glad they're not almost 18 or something cause knowing my grandma and her 7-year age gap i wouldn't be surprised

@HighPockets group

tip: if people are pressuring you about kids say you refuse to have any until you're in a good financial place for them. that lets you focus on your career and postpone a lot of the pushing. it can also be the perfect opportunity for passive aggressive comments if said person had their kid at a really bad time in their life and could barely support them

Oof yeah. Once I start getting those questions, I'm going to respond with "Maybe I'll adopt someone about to age out and send them to college when I'm financially able. There are to many kids in the world and our adoption system is awful." But like, more aggressively because that stuff makes me angry.

dude that's like. everything about my stance on having kids. i don't want a younger kid, and i really don't fucking want to give birth to one. but adopting a kid who thinks they're going to just age out of the system? giving them a home and supporting them as much as you can when they go off into the world? that's It man

If I ever get kids, they'll be in their late teens/about to age out. I won't have to like super mother them and watch their every move like I would for a toddler or baby (or even elementary school kid) but I can handle just helping them with homework and future careers and stuff.

@HighPockets group

You go, my guys. One of you needs to be political and get rid of all the lame boundaries that keep so many people from adopting.

As soon as I can, I'm absolutely getting myself a 16 year old and sending them through a technical college so they can get a decent job and support themselves. But I also want to do a lot of research about people who have been adopted at an older age so I know how to properly parent them, ya know? Cause there's all the feelings and stuff that I'm not sure how to deal with

I want to look more into it too, I have no idea what it involves to adopt older kids and help them.


I just couldn't mother anybody. I can't be there for a person like that, I'd mess it up. Not my thing. I do want some sort of kid in my life, just not my own. I wanna be that wine aunt/cool older sibling figure that'll take them out for ice cream or to a movie or park against their parent's wishes and talk them through their problems. I can't just yoink a kid off the street though, they'd probably be a friend's kid. I want to influence a young life, not be responsible for one.

@The-Magician group

If I lost twenty pounds I think I would actually be dead

My British ass thought you were on about money, and then proceeded to agree because if I lost twenty pounds then my bank account would be confused

@HighPockets group

Morticians and funeral directors are generally very nice and funny people and I'm not quite sure what that says

I feel like I know who you're talking about.

@Pickles group

Morticians and funeral directors are generally very nice and funny people and I'm not quite sure what that says

I feel like I know who you're talking about.

You do
But also not just just her. Also one of the girls from a podcast I listen to and at this point has definitely taken the title of my favorite. And just everyone in general. Never met a bad one

@HighPockets group

I know this is like 8 hours too late but @Divine-Irish-Potato you didn't spoiler tag your post in the "heart-wrenching scenes" chat like you said you did? I was legit just on it to post my writing and it was still there, fully untagged :/

Deleted user

I know this is like 8 hours too late but @Divine-Irish-Potato you didn't spoiler tag your post in the "heart-wrenching scenes" chat like you said you did? I was legit just on it to post my writing and it was still there, fully untagged :/

I forgot to, i fixed it.

Deleted user

If someone could help me rewrite my scene about sexual abuse? Because I really need to fix it

@HighPockets group

Absolutely not.
Why don't you do some research and put actual effort into your writing instead of pawning the difficult scenes off on others? Why should we have to write a scene for you since you refuse to do the bare minimum to improve it? Do your own fucking research and write your own fucking scene.

@Pickles group

If someone could help me rewrite my scene about sexual abuse? Because I really need to fix it

Nice try. Actually, it's not. You can't ask people do write the stuff you don't want to. You. Have. To. Do. Your. Own. Research.