forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

In my defense, if I had a bit more room I wouldn't have things on the ground

I own only a few things and I still leave crap on the floor. I plan on changing when I move out.

I just got a lot of book box things recently (mostly cuz I ordered a lot of them off eBay) and I'm not sure where to put them

@HighPockets group

In my defense, if I had a bit more room I wouldn't have things on the ground

I own only a few things and I still leave crap on the floor. I plan on changing when I move out.

I hate owning things. I want my whole life to fit in a backpack in case I need to pick up and go.

I'm a greedy little friend who likes to have Things, so I can't relate lol


I would totally marry my best friend for tax benefits, that would be so awesome
the only problem is she’s not ace and would probably want to marry someone else for not just tax benefits
which makes me a tad bit sad for some reason
like no
she’s my best friend
no one gets to take her from me

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If we do move in together, please note that my jokes and overall thoughts are only filtered when I'm typing them

Yes I have a difficult time making the words come out right. I misspeak a lot and it doesn't go well with my *zero chill and fear of being mocked

Yeah same. I can be so ineloquent.

@HighPockets group

If we do move in together, please note that my jokes and overall thoughts are only filtered when I'm typing them

Yes I have a difficult time making the words come out right. I misspeak a lot and it doesn't go well with my *zero chill and fear of being mocked

Yeah same. I can be so ineloquent.

But you've got a deep, voluptuous voice just like your wife.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

imagine being pretty

i'm sure you could tell us all about it

i really hope this isn't creepy flirting i'm just trying be friend i swear

Tbh I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not pretty
I just wished I looked a bit more intimidating
Like, my posture is there and my eyes and mouth usually are, but my face is…not

wear a ski mask! carry a large knife!! all your problems will solve themselves!!!

this has been crocs' fashion advice corner

I wish more of this could apply to me. My haircut makes me look less friendly though. And my eyes are, as always, rather cold.

@Pickles group

In my defense, if I had a bit more room I wouldn't have things on the ground

I own only a few things and I still leave crap on the floor. I plan on changing when I move out.

Same. I'm not taking a lot of stuff to college, so I'll probably be neater then, especially since I'll probably be in a dorm or an apartment with someone else

@Pickles group

I wish more of this could apply to me. My haircut makes me look less friendly though. And my eyes are, as always, rather cold.

Your hair is too floofy to make you look less friendly


to quote tumblr: walk like you're on your way to murder captain america

I do, most of the time. It's great. Only one other guy at the college had anything on that.

Bruh same! I wear clunky tactile boots most the time, and one of my friends called me out in the hall saying "Damn Owen, you look like you're on your way to kill somebody, f*cking soldier, jeez…" and that's one of my favorite compliments.

@Pickles group

Being associated with looking intimidating, scaring people, and knowing too much about murder is the highest compliment and no one can change my mind

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My misophonia's biggest trigger is a baby crying. It's so horrifying to me. I can start panicking. Plane rides with screaming babies are really bad. Like I'm not mad at the parent or baby, the parent is doing their best and babies cry. I get that. But it just makes me want to run away.

I actually love the sound of a baby crying. Which sounds odd I'm sure. But it's such a precious noise and I miss babies a lot.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

is kind of the point of life

That hit kinda hard and I think it's just a me thing but thank you
Now I wanna try and be a better person
I'm gonna go for a run later or something

You go, Ash.


My misophonia's biggest trigger is a baby crying. It's so horrifying to me. I can start panicking. Plane rides with screaming babies are really bad. Like I'm not mad at the parent or baby, the parent is doing their best and babies cry. I get that. But it just makes me want to run away.

I actually love the sound of a baby crying. Which sounds odd I'm sure. But it's such a precious noise and I miss babies a lot.

They sound like they're dying though? I guess I just have no motherly drive, which confuses my mom and a lot of people around me. I will never miss a baby.


I wish more of this could apply to me. My haircut makes me look less friendly though. And my eyes are, as always, rather cold.

Your hair is too floofy to make you look less friendly

it’s like a puppy

Deleted user

Honestly being roommates with Dom would make me feel safe. Because he's Big and Male, but he's also not going to attack me or hit on me

I honestly 100% agree lmao

I don’t generally feel safe around a lot of guys, but I think Dom would be the second if I knew him IRL

also very nice “performance” with the “argument” everyone. I’m upset that I missed it but

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dom you're the kind of person that would accidentally start a cult and then have a slow descent into evil and madness. I would read a book about you doing that

I'd write that

I am writing that. Not much in madness though.

@HighPockets group

notebook commune

Well I am seriously considering starting a communitarian society. Idk if I'll ever do it. But I want to.

I'm a bit worried, but intrigued.

Think small scale Socialism.

Hmm. I'm down for that then.
Can we call it the Dommune?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I need roommates. Like, I couldn't live alone. I'd at least need a spouse to live with, but if not that then definetely friends.

No spouse for me, but I definitely need to live with someone. I can't do shit without someone there for me to think about
Like no one comes in my room so I've developed the habit of not cleaning. I wouldn't clean anything if I lived alone
Not to mention I get scared when I'm home alone for more than an hour

I don't want to live alone. Being alone makes me uncomfortable and I like to know that there's another person there with me, otherwise I feel…off
I'm not very knowledgable with house stuff so I'd need a roommate or friend or maybe a spouse (although I don't really see myself getting married even if I do fall in love)

Marry an aro ace for tax benefits and general companionship.

I'd totally marry her for tax benefits but there's the small issue of my conservative family and us both being girls

I'd marry you for tax benefits as well, but same with the conservative family thing lol

Say it's for tax benefits. Obviously.