forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

He's a nonverbal analyst, I haven't seen most of his stuff, but he seems cool enough


I'm assuming this means someone who analyzes body language/nonverbal behaviors


I am back, it was pretty lame and we found out nothing.
But everyone there was super nice and caring, they just didn't pick up on my jokes.


Soo I haven't seen the episode of Loki yet but I read an article and apparently Loki is now canonically gender fluid?? Why has no one talked about this??

@Pickles group

That's good ig I thought they had already said it too lol. golly gee I wonder why they're just saying it now and in june of all months


Lmao yeahh true but: it was in a teaser (a shot of a filled out id that lists sex as "fluid" and there was an interview with one of the creators who was saying they really wanted it to be there bc it hadn't been touched on yet. To be fair, Loki's only had 79 minutes onscreen prior to this show

@ElderGod-kirky group

i've seen mixed reactions on the fb post

  • the people that know the mythology aren't really all that surprised or wowed
  • very few (outside of the myth nerds) are happy about the representation but disappointed that it was conveniently announced during pride month
  • and the homo/transphobes are throwing a fit, some getting mad about marvel "pushing politics" (???), some trying to argue that he's not actually genderfluid since he goes by he\him and is just a shapeshifter, and others attempting to challenge the label by saying "so genderfluid means turning into horses?" and bs like that

@HighPockets group

"so genderfluid means turning into horses?"

You fuck a horse and get pregnant ONE TIME-

Distant sounds of Zeus's laughter in the distance

@ElderGod-kirky group

like i get that having a genderfluid person being a shapeshifter is sorta a cop-out, BUT
this was in an ancient civilization
genderfluidity wasn't exactly a hot topic of the time, and yet they looked at loki and went "yeup that's that" without question

@HighPockets group

I'm pretty sure that Kid Loki is canonically genderfluid in the comics? Not sure though and I'm pretty sure they're not the same as MCU Loki


Yeah yeah I get all y'all are saying, and it is a little sus that it's conveniently been announced for Pride, but it's still a big step?? It's new for marvel to be like that about a lead and skdjdbdhbsdv

@HighPockets group

Rumor has it there'll be a "Lady Loki" minifig and I WANT HER
Also heard there'll be a Captain Britain one and one of Wanda and asdfghfds I'm going to spend so much on lego minifigs but I don't care


I mean yeah it is during Pride but it also coincides with the show coming out so it's not that sus

Yeah but it's also pretty convenient?? Like no one's talked about it until Pride, buttttt idk