forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


A veterinarian office?


I'm all for private businesses having their own themes and values and whatnot (as long as it's not discriminatory, obvi) but that's a weird combination
Usually Christianity couples with stationary and book stores

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Welcome to Paws-itively Precious! Jesus would save the animals, and so will we! for a wee consultation fee of $1,000 plus tax and miscellaneous item usage"

@Pickles group

My diet for the next week will probably consist only of bread with apple butter, slightly overcooked angel hair, and cream of mushroom soup

@Althalosian-is-the-father book


In other news, what does the urge to stim feel like for y’all? Like today I was rocking and my mom was kind of annoyed I think and it felt like there was this pressure, like anxiety or excitement.

@Pickles group

My diet for the next week will probably consist only of bread with apple butter, slightly overcooked angel hair, and cream of mushroom soup

Update, I cannot eat bread

@Pickles group

Still reeling from the time my friend told me I should join the CIA last year. Like MA'AM I have a crippling fear of being perceived under any circumstances, but more importantly, do I LOOK like a capitalist who's going to be down to murder socialist leaders and start coups in countries that aren't capitalist?? I'm still so offended that they thought I'm at all okay with the cia, I thought I was doing a pretty good job of being openly anti-capitalist

@Pickles group

I'd like to be rude to the human body for not being able to bend in a way that I can draw one of my characters in both her cocaine care bears shirt AND her enemy of the state shorts



In other news, what does the urge to stim feel like for y’all? Like today I was rocking and my mom was kind of annoyed I think and it felt like there was this pressure, like anxiety or excitement.

Rocking is one of my big ones. I know for some it can feel like that, kind of like the same need when you have to sneeze, there's a pressure there that would feel better if it were released but technically you could hold it in. It's also very common for stims to be triggered for anxiety. For me, rocking happens when I'm bored or in a new environment. The swing just feels gooood.

@Pickles group

Sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and the person I see is just not even remotely what I look like
Like yesterday I looked in the mirror and I looked like a grungy tik tok lesbian that girls spend their days thirsting for, which is not remotely what I look like on a normal day. Twas an ego boost though

@tungsten fastfood

Coming from someone with curly hair: it sucks that way and also having it. Consider yourself lucky that curls are only disrespecting you in that regard hoe

@Pickles group

Reasons my cat prefers my brand of shitty instead of my family's: I am apparently the only one who thinks that maybe if the neighbor's cat is spending time in our garden, we should be careful with tomato planting so we don't hurt it. My kind of shitty is meowing at my cat when she starts meowing at me and I don't want to go find her. The rest of my family's is "well I want tomatoes and it's not my fault that the neighbors let their cat outside, ours isn't so it's fine"
Will the cat probably be fine? Yeah. Is that a risk that we should be willing to take? No, I don't think so. I'd be pissed if Callie ate their vegetables and got sick and they didn't care, we should care about them and make sure their cat can't get to something of ours that could hurt it
I feel like this accurately depicts our political beliefs as well

@Pickles group

Like charlie gerald spent ten minutes pooping in our garden and eating our grass today, of course it's going to try to eat our plants, and whether or not that's technically our fault, we should try to stop it and keep it safe

@HighPockets group

Heh I meow at my cat like half the times that I see her just to see if she'll meow back
Only sometimes :( it's funny when she does though

@ElderGod-kirky group

i insult pretzel and sometimes let him nom on my hand to get him to stop i blow into his ear bevause that's the only way he'll listen

occasionally drop him onto the floor when he gets squirmy and bite-y

@ElderGod-kirky group

me: has used my pills for at least three-ish months without issue
my sleepy pills: expired 5/23
me: hasn't slept for shit for the past few days
mom: there is absolutely no correlation you just got used to them expiration date isn't real no i won't listen to you ur wrong i'm right

she also threw a hissy fit when my dad drove me down to dollar general for some new ones (they're gummies!!) to hold me off for a while because it's a "waste of gas"

@Pickles group

I'm not used to liking a youtuber and then finding out half their subscribers are transphobic garbage cans. Usually it's like, five max, not half the comments. Especially when the youtuber themself isn't a shithead but I tend to do a pretty good job of not being attracted to people who wind up being queerphobic, mostly because I watch like four straight guys

@Pickles group

Observe. He had a video on Demi Levato that he made before they came out, so after they did, he changed the pronouns in the title and noted it in a pinned comment. More than half the comments responding to him were people being super transphobic