forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


send me the memes dom. i havent read lotr, but i saw the movies forever ago and also just think lotr memes are funny asf with or without context

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

send me the memes dom. i havent read lotr, but i saw the movies forever ago and also just think lotr memes are funny asf with or without context

Cool. But the movies low-key suck. By themselves they're pretty good. But. Y'know. Also the movie has a different ending so-

@HighPockets group

On the plus side I made $75 today by selling some old stuff!!

That's cool. What'd you sell?

A bunch of old Star Wars ships that I didn't use anymore and didn't have room for

@tungsten fastfood

[general rudeness statement about a someone]

also good news from Emu as well– at seventeen, close to eighteen, I finally got my learner's permit. it's embarrassing but I wasn't ready when I was 15 3/4 lmfao

@Pickles group

Every time I remember that What Would You Do is a thing, I'm struck with intense panic. What a horrid show. I hate it and it terrifies me.

@tungsten fastfood

thanks so much! I failed my first time yesterday because I was so nervous (I got four wrong, and four is an automatic fail) so I went back with strife, with vengeance, and only got one wrong. soooooooooooo hm girlboss gatekeep gaslight

also i had a LOT of caffeine today but it was good drink so uh I'll die or something I guess. an hour or so ago I could feel my heart beating so fast and it was like WHew life's a ride


No one:
Absolutely no one:
My old obsession with Jason Todd rising from the depths like the kraken and taking over my entire personality again:


Skfbdhhsbd basically. I have spent literally my entire day watching YouTube videos people made featuring him. I. Why am I so obsessed with this man, holy shit

@ElderGod-kirky group

imma be rude to my brain for thinking it'd be a brilliant idea to buy eighteen file folders and six giant manilla folders to separate those file folders into, which are separating a 75 page note document designed for flipping through a binder but without the means to create holes to put the pages into a binder

:))) i'm suffering

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

[general rudeness statement about a someone]

also good news from Emu as well– at seventeen, close to eighteen, I finally got my learner's permit. it's embarrassing but I wasn't ready when I was 15 3/4 lmfao

Bruh I didn't get my liscense till 19 so I feel.

@tungsten fastfood

I get to wake up at 3am tomorrow to leave for N carolina so I have decided that I'm either going to bed stupid early or not at all. I asked my mom if we could stop for "drinks" (aka me insinuating that I want more than water and gatorade) so uhh poggers I guess. Still excited for the beach. not excited for waking up at 3am.

@tungsten fastfood

also BIG RUDE to my world history teacher giving me a hard time asking for an extension on an essay while my other three classes (esp AP Lang which is like PLESSe) was like "Yeah ofc no problem"

so yeah FRICK you Mr. Alleman smh

@Pickles group

hey kids
if you're thinking "hey I'm not so bad at math, might as well take calculus"
hahahahaha don't
It's late and I don't understand anything and I'm crying and everything is so bad that I forgot it wasn't 2020
I can't do this