forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@tungsten fastfood

I can be civil but I'm mostly full of spite and rage and you only live life once so why not be in people's minds as the angry one who argued with many and most

@HighPockets group

I can be civil but I'm mostly full of spite and rage and you only live life once so why not be in people's minds as the angry one who argued with many and most

I can definitely hand you my mantle as the Site Bitch if you want lmao
I'm getting kinda sick of just being the angry one all the time, it's not good for me at all but it's hard to get out of that mindset

@tungsten fastfood

I can be civil but I'm mostly full of spite and rage and you only live life once so why not be in people's minds as the angry one who argued with many and most

I can definitely hand you my mantle as the Site Bitch if you want lmao
I'm getting kinda sick of just being the angry one all the time, it's not good for me at all but it's hard to get out of that mindset


lazy and busy

I'll be co-Bitch though

most of the time I just get angry about nothing

@Pickles group

shrugs Still only a name to me. But thanks, Jyn.

I think they called themselves rat bastard a couple times but I could be wrong

@ElderGod-kirky group

irl, i am/was known as the nice one of the school/class
simply because i knew how to keep my mouth shut

the annoying as hell guys would leave me alone and harass other people. the bitchy preps would leave me alone and poke fun at others instead. the only time i had people outside my circle talk to me were people i could tolerate for the sake of avoiding being alone, and these two upperclassmen who kept poking at me to get me to talk to them
accidentally messed with one of them by saying hi to a different dude instead of him once

Deleted user

I'm the god complex bitch who usually just listens to dramma but steps in when mom friend instinct kicks in

@larcenistarsonist group

(i love stalking this chat so much it's like watching a battle go down while sitting in an airplane with binoculars looking down at the chaos Also: I'm the crazy smart kid laughs in 141 IQ who could take over the world if their braincells stopped arguing for five seconds)