forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@ElderGod-kirky group

real quick before i go back to being productive
imma be rude to myself for having so many fucking projects that i can't even finish one because i want to do them All and now i have four ongoing stories—

@The-Magician group

Well that was a lot to read through, and it reminded me of the conversation I had with my boyfriend while we were walking home from work at 1am. Catch me trying to explain how Communism and Capitalism are just as bad/good as each other and how I tend to watch it all from the shadows like the extraterrestrial weirdo I am

@Katastrophic group

i'd like to be rude to the US delivery system, i got an email this morning about my very late package. On one hand, its out for delivery! On the other, it's not scheduled to arrive until… yesterday???

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

When you order anything it's such a gamble, because sometimes you order an art cart and it comes the next day, and sometimes you order a necklace and it somehow ends up in Florida instead of New York, then arrives 2 weeks late


ik its frustrating as hell but you gotta remember how swamped they are bcs people keep ordering shit during the pandemic, and so they never get the chance to catch up. they're also way understaffed.

but yeah its annoying as fuck even if you understand, i ordered a necklace like before the supposed holiday rush in december and it actually arrived in january, and my tracking said it wasnt the sellers fault so fdhhdfgh. i think i ordered it like a couple days before december first, it shipped out on like the fourth, and then disappeared for a long ass time


guess who, despite having the best dental routine I’ve had in years now that I’m not so depressed I can’t leave my bed in the morning, has 6 cavities that I’ll have to go in three separate times to get fixed :)))
I want unexist


guess who, despite having the best dental routine I’ve had in years now that I’m not so depressed I can’t leave my bed in the morning, has 6 cavities that I’ll have to go in three separate times to get fixed :)))
I want unexist

dude i brush night and day and use mouthwash regularly(too regularly, for my piercing) and i still have a cavity. apparently its cause i dont floss enough. but now whenever i eat caramel or something too cold it hurts my teefs.

i had a tooth removed because of a cavity after going too long without taking care of my teeth, but it was a baby tooth anyway

@HighPockets group

I've never had a cavity either, but I had my wisdom teeth taken out and it sucked

Wisdom teeth removal isn't that bad

I didn't like that my lip was numb for the first day.


dude numbing shit doesn't work on me. i started getting feeling back halfway through the removal of my tooth and we'd been in the car five minutes when it came almost all the way back

Deleted user

I've never had a cavity, which is cool, because due to depression I don't brush my teeth

@tungsten fastfood

I've never had a cavity either, but I had my wisdom teeth taken out and it sucked

Wisdom teeth removal isn't that bad

I didn't like that my lip was numb for the first day.

Well YEAH but it could've been worse
(TW: gore)

They botched my mom's; they had to like cut super deep for hers and she was in recovery for almost a month

@tungsten fastfood

I've never had a cavity, which is cool, because due to depression I don't brush my teeth

Depressed people who somehow don't get consequences for their shitty habits 😎

Deleted user

I've never had a cavity, which is cool, because due to depression I don't brush my teeth

Depressed people who somehow don't get consequences for their shitty habits 😎

Hell yeah mate
we're built different