forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

~Christmas break just feels like round 2 or 3 of quarantine

Exactly, yeah. There's not the Christmas-y stuff we'd usually do and so it just feels like a week of nothing, especially since I have a huge piece of homework for AP Lang

@HighPockets group

Apparently tonight will be the coldest night of the year, I'm inside with all of the windows closed and can still hear the wind, and tomorrow's high is 13. Merry fucking Christmas.

@Mojack group

I’m a little more in the mood now that I’ve decorated our tree
But I can’t help but feel sad that we’re not having the big family gathering we usually do
I know why my family gathering is small this year, I just feel sad


this year’s Christmas feels a little better than last years, mostly cause last year was still practically summer lol
but it’s still not gonna be the same, especially now that so many family members have moved all over the place

@Pickles group

People who keep going out without masks need to stop acting like it's everyone else's fault and some big tragedy for them that we're still in a pandemic because the next bitch without a mask that says "it's so sad that we were robbed of 2020 :((" is getting stabbed with her own pink stiletto heel and turned into a christmas ornament.

@Pickles group

I saw an article a while ago and I started thinking about it again randomly, so. If you don't care if your barber is a trump supporter, whatever, but don't compare that to people not wanting to eat at chick fil a because they're homophobic. Your barber probably isn't directly funneling loads of money from his business into "the trump fund of traumatizing people into being a trump supporter" and if he would give money to trump, it would be his own money and not from the business's profits, and in all likelihood, your barber changes every time you go because several people work there and most of the time the owner isn't cutting your hair if they even ever have. Which was not the case with chick fil a. And no one is saying "you can't eat at chick fil a" or "if you eat at chick fil a you're a terrible person", and we all know that not eating somewhere isnt going to damage their business, so there's no reason to write an article called "in defense of eating at chick fil a" and every point you made was irrelevant and self righteous

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I saw an article a while ago and I started thinking about it again randomly, so. If you don't care if your barber is a trump supporter, whatever, but don't compare that to people not wanting to eat at chick fil a because they're homophobic. Your barber probably isn't directly funneling loads of money from his business into "the trump fund of traumatizing people into being a trump supporter" and if he would give money to trump, it would be his own money and not from the business's profits, and in all likelihood, your barber changes every time you go because several people work there and most of the time the owner isn't cutting your hair if they even ever have. Which was not the case with chick fil a. And no one is saying "you can't eat at chick fil a" or "if you eat at chick fil a you're a terrible person", and we all know that not eating somewhere isnt going to damage their business, so there's no reason to write an article called "in defense of eating at chick fil a" and every point you made was irrelevant and self righteous

Hmm. I agree.

@Pickles group

My grandparents got me these wafer things so I opened it up to eat one (emphasis on one, not one pack, one single wafer) and my grandmother goes "I saw that. It's a good thing you're skinny." Bitch, the fuck???
And last summer she ran straight over a chipmunk and I heard its spine snap and I think about it every time I see a chipmunk. That's not related but it's gross


my dogs attacked a squirrel once and broke its legs but we stopped them before they could kill it and I hung out with it in the rain until we got it to a vet to be euthanized and I still can't stop thinking about it


One time my dog accidentally killed a chipmunk that got into our garage and my mom thought it was a banana peel and went to pick it up.

I cannot stop laughing wtf
How does a dog "accidentally" kill another animal and how on God's green Earth did the remains look remotely like a banana peel??

@HighPockets group

One time my dog accidentally killed a chipmunk that got into our garage and my mom thought it was a banana peel and went to pick it up.

I cannot stop laughing wtf
How does a dog "accidentally" kill another animal and how on God's green Earth did the remains look remotely like a banana peel??

She was only around 2 and she hadn't really been socialized as a puppy (she was a rescue from down south and was a year and a half when we got her); she saw the chipmunk and apparently tried to play with it like a toy (she has a stuffed chipmunk) and accidentally snapped its neck. And then my mom went into the garage without turning the lights on and saw the vague outline of it, assumed it was a banana peel, and went to pick it up only for it to be a surprise chipmunk corpse