forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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British reporter: Mr. Biden, a quick word for the BBC!
Biden: The BBC? I'm Irish. walks away

That touched my IRA soul.

@Pickles group

Alright, assholes ✨
Don't misgender people. I don't care how much you hate them, how much of an ass they are, I don't care how mad you are at them, I don't care if you're just talking shit about them, don't misgender someone*, and don't bitch about how "confusing" it is for *you* to use the right pronouns. And you don't ever get bonus points for *not* misgendering someone. It doesn't make you nice and it doesn't make you an ally, it's the bare minimum of human respect. Fuck off.

*Unless using the correct pronouns will out them and/or put them in danger, both of which aren't happening on the internet, you have no excuse.

Deleted user

also saying shit like "I identify as a salmon" isn't funny and nobody thinks it is

@Kamea public

guess i'm nobody cuz i tend to find it funny

it's transphobic, overused, and annoying

i mean ig it depends on who you hear it from and how many times, but personally my friends like to say they identify as a cone to cope. it also has a meme that goes with it

@Pickles group

Today on true crime don'ts with pickles: if your friends are telling you to not do something because it sounds like a cult, don't do it. Don't fly off to Costa Rica to work on a farm, it's either a cult or

Please stop signing up to work on a farm, it's gross anyway, you should just accept the fact that you're a lesbian and move into the woods with your girlfriend

@HighPockets group

I iDeNtIfY aS aN aPaCHe AtTacK hElIcOpTeR

I've heard that one so many. Fucking. Times. From white boys who think it's funny. Only ever from white boys

It's like the one "joke" that Unfunny White Boys have besides just yelling slurs, because I guess that's supposed to be funny?

@Kamea public

I iDeNtIfY aS aN aPaCHe AtTacK hElIcOpTeR

I've heard that one so many. Fucking. Times. From white boys who think it's funny. Only ever from white boys

that one, that one annoys me


god i hate that i used to actually say that

and then i realized i actually wanted to fuck gender over. whoops

also the i identify as a salmon is slightly funny, to me, as someone who just like. has always had issues with my gender and would just like to make a Funny to pretend i'm not ready to punch myself

@Mojack group

I hear the identify jokes so much on neopronoun/xenogender posts too 😐
Example; I saw a post for catgender and there were people going off in the comments like “how can you identify as a cat” and of course the famed ‘joke’, “I identify as a cat”

most xenogender people aren’t saying that they are that thing. Not everyone is subject to having the same relationship with gender as you, and vice versa. It’s just someone who might have trouble with gender, chooses something that comforts them and uses it. That’s it, it’s all pretty simple but unfortunately people still go “BUT HOW ARE YOU A DINOSAUR” (even though…that’s not what they are….) Ive got a carrd that explains the topic a lot better than I can so: and

And like..I’m gonna be rude to the people who go onto the xenogender posts as well. No one forced you to comment, yet you did. You came into a space where you knew there would be a lot of those people, and you harassed them. Sure, I used to find neopronouns strange, but I never harassed any of those people for doing something that they found comfort in. It’s their life, and the whole “i identify as an attack helicopter” definitely has transphobic meaning to it since it was originally done to make fun of people who weren’t male or female. I’m also gonna come clean and say I also used to do the attack helicopter thing but I was young and dumb back then and since then I’ve grown more tolerant and more braincells

As a wise being once said to me,

“Give me the gender rulebook, I’ll eat it.”

@Katastrophic group

respect the pronounces, you won't go insulting somone's skintone or face shape, so why is it okay for gender and sexuality? trick question: it's not.

I've used the attack helicopter line once, but I will justify it in that it was in the early years and I was in fact driving an attack helicopter to crash into my entire team during a videogame. I wish I had the recording still, it was some pefectly cut screaming.

Deleted user

Welp, looks like my parents are a lot more racist and transphobic than I thought.
In the past week my mother has said the f slur and my father has said the n word, mocking the VP- Elect.

@Pickles group

Genuine question for all you educated people: do neurotypical people feel the need to buy everything for their friends when they have any money at all? Like, when they're going to mcdonald's and their friend is like "yeah let me get my wallet" but they have a ten dollar bill so they say "no I got it" and then run out of money super quickly? Is that a thing normal people do or?