forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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Deleted user

TW for suicide and death threats.

I always wonder, when my mother threatens my life, whether I should actually kill myself to spite her or if I should just submit to being thrown outside for the three billionth time. Anyways feeling rude again for obvious reasons.

Deleted user

Yeah but apparently I was a compulsive liar in elementary school so… sucks to suck.

Deleted user

Honestly she’d never do it, and she never outright threatens my life to keep it PG for the kids and shit, she just threatened to drive away without me and “let me figure it out” which might not technically be a death threat but damn it feels like one.


That's still a threat of neglect, plus if she's throwing you out, even just for 15 minutes or so, that is neglect in action. She's denying you shelter she has available.

Deleted user

Eh, I’m used to it. I do stupid shit too, like, I do have two domestic violence charges against me for scraping her eye (albeit in self defense) and half-blinding her so like, I’m in the wrong as well more often than not but it still sucks.


I can attest that the above person has spent too much money on this person right here, despite being an obscene distance away

you can't just show up and call me out like that, what the fuck


You shouldn't be used to it. And even though you may be in the wrong a lot, if your homelife is making you feel suicidal then I highly suggest you reach out to someone who can do something about it, like I said, a school counselor or a teacher you trust.

@Pickles group

Why can I never center a drawing on a page?? I'll be like "okay the center of my reference is here so here's where all the things need to go on my page" and then I look at it again and it's way off to the right

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Why can I never center a drawing on a page?? I'll be like "okay the center of my reference is here so here's where all the things need to go on my page" and then I look at it again and it's way off to the right

dude same
even when I'm doing it digitally, I can't center to save my life

Deleted user

You shouldn't be used to it. And even though you may be in the wrong a lot, if your homelife is making you feel suicidal then I highly suggest you reach out to someone who can do something about it, like I said, a school counselor or a teacher you trust.

I can’t, she’ll get mad if I do. Also unrelated but she just deadnamed me and idk why, I’m used to it, but I’m just crying over it, it sucks.

Deleted user

I have to wake up early for surgery tomorrow and I'd rather not

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Genuine question for all you educated people: do neurotypical people feel the need to buy everything for their friends when they have any money at all? Like, when they're going to mcdonald's and their friend is like "yeah let me get my wallet" but they have a ten dollar bill so they say "no I got it" and then run out of money super quickly? Is that a thing normal people do or?

I feel like all my brown family is like that and most of them are probably neurotypical.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Why can I never center a drawing on a page?? I'll be like "okay the center of my reference is here so here's where all the things need to go on my page" and then I look at it again and it's way off to the right

Crop it?

@Pickles group

Why can I never center a drawing on a page?? I'll be like "okay the center of my reference is here so here's where all the things need to go on my page" and then I look at it again and it's way off to the right

Crop it?

Yeah lemme just take scissors to the part of the page in my sketchbook that's keeping it in why ever didn't I think of that

@Katastrophic group

my trick for centering is lightly gridding the paper (really simple, kinda more crosshairs than gridding), then since I know I tend to list everything a certain direction, I try to correct it. If i notice it's still off centered past the sketch, i'll take it out and lightbox it to another page correctly centered. Just some sticky tack or kneadable eraser can press the pages together and then a computer screen or window can work as a lightbox.

Deleted user

Genuine question for all you educated people: do neurotypical people feel the need to buy everything for their friends when they have any money at all? Like, when they're going to mcdonald's and their friend is like "yeah let me get my wallet" but they have a ten dollar bill so they say "no I got it" and then run out of money super quickly? Is that a thing normal people do or?

remembers the time I went to a bunch of stores with sixty dollars and spent it all on food for friends instead of buying things for myself like I was supposed to
…. Perhaps…..

Deleted user