forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


I don't think Jesus would loophole covid mandates and put others peoples' wellbeing at risk. Just sayin.

Jesus more important than staying at home.

I implore you to take a step back and truly consider how mass gatherings are harming people, and then think about how Jesus would address that in this age.

@Pickles group

If religion isn’t worth risking your life over what’s the point?^^^

what the fuck kind of statement is this
also, please consider: If religion isn't worth risking other people's lives over, what's the point?

Mmm. I try to make God more important in my life than other things. Or at least I hope so. But except for the young kids, everyone there is choosing to be there. If we want to risk our lives to worship, that’s our business and no one should stop us.

Dom, when you go out in gatherings and get sick, you get other people that weren't at said gathering sick as well. It's not your right to infect people because of something you can avoid. And as Owen said, you don't have to be in person to have church and worship. Isn't that like, part of the point of religion? Has no one said to you, "Well, we don't have to all be together in person to worship"?
To be entirely honest, you sound stupid.


If religion isn’t worth risking your life over what’s the point?^^^

what the fuck kind of statement is this
also, please consider: If religion isn't worth risking other people's lives over, what's the point?

Mmm. I try to make God more important in my life than other things. Or at least I hope so. But except for the young kids, everyone there is choosing to be there. If we want to risk our lives to worship, that’s our business and no one should stop us.

I am not a young kid, but I cannot choose whether or not I go to church. My parents legit said that I am required to go to church until I am 18. So. Just wanted to make a point ig

Deleted user

If religion isn’t worth risking your life over what’s the point?^^^

what the fuck kind of statement is this
also, please consider: If religion isn't worth risking other people's lives over, what's the point?

Mmm. I try to make God more important in my life than other things. Or at least I hope so. But except for the young kids, everyone there is choosing to be there.

More important than innocent humans' lives?

If we want to risk our lives to worship, that’s our business and no one should stop us.

so, you get covid from church, and then you give it to other people who didn't attend the service you were at, but it's not their business, right?

To put it very simply


This reminds me of a conversation I had with my dad about wearing masks.

And he basically said "it's my constitutional right to endanger other people" and like. How am I supposed to answer that one? Just because it's a right doesn't mean you should


Jesus very very important
much more important than my own life
but not so important that I could go against his wishes and kill others to try and be closer to him

you can watch mass on tv

Deleted user

WWJD? Not purposely endanger other people and put their health & lives at stake, that's for sure

@Moxie group

If religion isn’t worth risking your life over what’s the point?^^^

See I disagree with this because I think this sentiment is for religious persecution. Not rules designed to keep you safe from a pandemic

@HighPockets group

Jesus very very important
much more important than my own life
but not so important that I could go against his wishes and kill others to try and be closer to him

you can watch mass on tv


@HighPockets group

My eyes hurt, which is a bit worrying since I know I'm gonna wear my contacts this weekend. Ever since I fucked up putting one in my left eye (I have an estigmatism or however you spell it and my left contact needs to go in pointing a certain way, but I put it in wrong and needed to blink rapidly for it to resurface) it's been stinging. Could just be correlation since I have allergies and whatnot, but it's still worrying.
Also my contacts always give me a headache, which is fun.

Deleted user

(by rav's ant piss, this is pure unadulterated chaos and you have accumulated a new stalker)

@ElderGod-kirky group

(I have an estigmatism or however you spell it and my left contact needs to go in pointing a certain way, but I put it in wrong and needed to blink rapidly for it to resurface)

and I have it in both eyes, so i feel you on that

@HighPockets group

(I have an estigmatism or however you spell it and my left contact needs to go in pointing a certain way, but I put it in wrong and needed to blink rapidly for it to resurface)

and I have it in both eyes, so i feel you on that

Fuck, I knew I misspelled it somehow!
But yeah, my left eye has been consistently hurting in the area where the contact would go, yayyy :/

@Pickles group

Rice milk is a smell that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Okay well maybe some people. Fine, a lot of people. But not innocent children because their doctor thinks they're small because they're allergic to lactose (I am not, I was just a small bitch who had to take growth hormones for like a year or something and is still a fairly small bitch). Something in my house smells like it and I was immediately jolted back to the times of being forced to drink rice milk and almond milk, both of which are terrible and I recommend just not drinking milk if it comes to that, you'll be fine i promise

@HighPockets group

Chocolate almond milk is okay but it still doesn't taste like milk.
Sincerely, a Wisconsinite who has tried a ton of milk alternatives and has decided just to suffer instead


Chocolate almond milk is okay but it still doesn't taste like milk.
Sincerely, a Wisconsinite who has tried a ton of milk alternatives and has decided just to suffer instead

oh no you're definitely right, it doesn't taste the same at all. but i do still love it as a treat here and there, when we can afford it. it's made of nuts, dear. i don't think it could ever taste like an animal byproduct