forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

See, I can't drink any of them plain since they just taste like I'm drinking almonds/bananas/coconuts but the chocolate versions are usually passable. It's the texture that I don't like more often than the flavor, they're generally watery but also milkish and my tongue and brain don't like it.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Spoilers for One Piece even though nobody else watches/reads it lmao

@Pickles group

Why is it not required in schools to have a fire safety course? Or at least like a section on how to not die around flames in a science class? That would be nice. Like I'm too scared to light a match even though bonfires are rad as fuck. But idk how to start one or how to work a fire extinguisher either and I feel like those are things I should know

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

My school has them, or my old school district did, in elementary and middle school. And all my science teachers have had mandatory safety units at the beginning of every year so we know how to work safely with the materials we have
Then again, I also live in an area where everyone does campfires all summer long, and fire safety is a must know


We didn't either and honestly. I didn't even think about it until now. We had stuff about what to do in the event of a house fire back in elementary school, but that's about the extent of what I remember


my science rooms, every single one that had bunsen burners, had a brief safety class where you had to listen to the videos and then prove you knew everything by completing a quiz. in junior high my eight grade teacher also told us where every fire extinguisher was, and how to use them, and even in highschool my marine bio teacher mentioned where they were. and in elementary we had those 'be safe with fire or you will die' lessons here and there, like the ones where a girl fell asleep with a large pile of candles lit next to her and surprisingly knocked them over, and then died, or barely made it out the window

@Pickles group

In my chemistry class, our teacher was just like "don't burn your hair off" and told us about someone the year before who burned his hair


I mean we have general lab safety in all of my science classes, but it's stuff like "here's how you dispose of broken glass and remember to put your chemical waste here and not here" etc. The only fire safety stuff is always "keep your desk space clear and know where the nearest fire extinguisher or fire blanket is at all times" and never how to actually use those things.


what are you guys talking about, it's kind of obvious. you take the fire extinguisher, and you beat the fire out. if you hit it hard enough it goes away

@Pickles group

Our lab safety is usually like "here's where all the things are, don't drink from the beakers, if you get acid on yourself, strip and run to the power shower station, get me if something else happens, don't touch broken glass."

@Katastrophic group

my ceramics studio buddy lit the table on fire in his little cubicle area. He set down a torch with a jammed button and set the canvas cover and some plastic tools on fire. He then procedded to try to stamp out this 3 foot tall flame with a banding wheel (those turny cake decorating things but heavy duty), screaming the entire time. I then told him to just pour water on it cause its not oil or eletrical. Then this absolute genious. he does not in fact pour his water bottle on it like I thought, he takes his 5 gallon bucket of throwing water which is pretty much very watery clay at this point, and dumps the entire thing on the table.

we are mature adults in college.
also some idiot stapled a light cord to an old wood false wall in a still life set up so it was out of the way, but stapled through the cord, and set the entire thing on fire. The plastic fruit was very sad looking, but the table had nice contrasting scorch marks.

@HighPockets group

Wow, I sure do love it when people try to police my emotions and reactions :)
Nothing invalidating about that at all :))
I love being told how I'm supposed to feel :)))


what are you guys talking about, it's kind of obvious. you take the fire extinguisher, and you beat the fire out. if you hit it hard enough it goes away

Crocs knows all the stuff.

i hate children but i would make a hilarious substitute teacher. i could never be full time though

Deleted user

My favorite part about being ✨goth✨ is people asking if I sleep in a coffin