forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

Deleted user

My church is celebrating because they found a way to loophole the new covid mandates


Not nice

Loopholing rules meant to keep people alive, safe and healthy is not nice at all

@HighPockets group

Going to be rude to myself quick because I didn't pay attention at all during Algebra II this week and now I'm ~suffering~
But I also hate the topic in general since it takes forever to solve even one equation and I'm never gonna use any of this knowledge in my adult life.

@HighPockets group

Oh, and an extra-big Fuck You to my online math textbook and homework, where it's listed that I'll have to do four problems and then reveals that each one has four or five different smaller problems to solve :)


If religion isn’t worth risking your life over what’s the point?^^^

You can be religious without risking your life
You can attend virtual church


And it's not just YOUR life, it's other's lives. Those kids in children's church didn’t drive themselves there, and they shouldn't be put at risk for a decision their parents made.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well it depends on the church Ig. But you can’t get sacraments from vid church.
And that is the right of the parents. No one else should tell them what to do unless they are being physically abusive.

Deleted user

If religion isn’t worth risking your life over what’s the point?^^^

what the fuck kind of statement is this
also, please consider: If religion isn't worth risking other people's lives over, what's the point?

@Pickles group

I fucking hate this family so much. I accidentally got into a conversation about politics with my parents in which they tried to convince me that trump knows what he's doing, blm protests are all violent and dangerous and it's the protesters causing the violence, and that trump isn't racist. And that I need context for him NOT CONDEMNING WHITE SUPREMACY
But oh, they don't support him OR Biden. Like me neither but it seems pretty clear to me that you're gonna vote for someone who's going to try to strip away my rights. In a swing state. Where your votes could get him the whole state's.

@HighPockets group

The context also makes the white supremacy thing worse, because Biden and the moderator told Trump to, and then he did the whole "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by BUT BIDEN WON'T DENOUNCE ANTIFA!!! HE'S FAR LEFT AND HATES LAW AND ORDER!!"
Like he couldn't even denounce white supremacy without turning it into an attack on antifa and Biden. "I condemn white supremacists" should be a super easy statement to make….sure is interesting that he couldn't seem to do so…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Well it depends on the church Ig. But you can’t get sacraments from vid church.
And that is the right of the parents. No one else should tell them what to do unless they are being physically abusive.

Okay, so, I'm going to take back my break from notebook and my personal rule of not commenting here to say what the fuck. I'm going to go in order with this, holy cow.

You can, in fact, have sacraments during recorded church services. Depending on the denomination, the pastor can have the parishioners bring wine/grape juice and the appropriate type of bread (leavened or unleavened) to where they are watching the church service, and the pastor can bless it for them. It doesn't matter if it's recorded or live, that will definitely work on accordance with many denominations. Trust me, I spoke with my father about this, a United Methodist pastor. He has agreed that it would work.

It's also not the right of the parents to bring their children to church during these times. It's called child endangerment, and is very real and very serious. If there was an outbreak of a highly contagious disease that could be life threatening, or potentially cause life long health problems that aren't even known because it's so new (sound familiar?) and parents understand the danger, yet put their children in situations where it is highly likely they could come in contact with the disease. It could be found to be child endangerment.

And lastly, physical abuse in itself is not the only form of abuse. Child endangerment, as stated before, as well as neglect, emotional abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse, etc, are all types of abuse a parent could be charged with, and have been identified as legal times when there has to be intervention with the parents. Not only that, but if a family is not functioning correctly, even if not to extents of abuse to be charged in a court of law, there needs to be intervention to allow the family to actually function as one.

@Pickles group

Ash do you have to be at school to check pinterest because I sent you something and I need you to evaluate my questionable decisions before October is over


Those mcdonald's ads with the old guy who moans the "ba dum ba ba bum" at the end need to STOP it's so uncomfortable

hire me instead
i could do it way better

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If religion isn’t worth risking your life over what’s the point?^^^

what the fuck kind of statement is this
also, please consider: If religion isn't worth risking other people's lives over, what's the point?

Mmm. I try to make God more important in my life than other things. Or at least I hope so. But except for the young kids, everyone there is choosing to be there. If we want to risk our lives to worship, that’s our business and no one should stop us.