forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@ElderGod-kirky group

taking notes for my current project that has six leads and some side characters, and a future project that has roughly sixteen leads? I think? fuck I lost count

Okay, SO
Regarding the second half of my statement, this is what I could remember off the top of my head:

Cinthia (Main Main)

Sides, all ranging in importance:
The Oracle / Creation
The King / Time
The Isic Empress
The Nazek Empress
The Nightwalkers (roughly around ten?)
Couple of demons

Bunch o' generals and armies of mindless solders (minors)
Kali (main)
Kiran (redemption arc)
Ketu (second-ish main)
Chaos (Big Bad)


also as hard as he tries, he isn't great at actual representation sometimes. he needs to research more
as someone who grew up Muslim I kinda have a problem with Samirah's whole arranged marriage thing
and a lot of his characters are just, cliche in a not good way

admittedly I dont know too much about muslims, I did have a Muslim character but I did my best to research and ask people about certain things

can I ask what was off about her arranged marriage?

Deleted user

nobody said it was worse. a large handful of us have adhd/add, which he actually I believe said are both found in demigods. people have done much worse representing it, but those who have the disorder are allowed to mention that it could have been shown better

I have it too, I'm not just being ignorant. The fact that it was even included made me really happy, that's all.


also as hard as he tries, he isn't great at actual representation sometimes. he needs to research more
as someone who grew up Muslim I kinda have a problem with Samirah's whole arranged marriage thing
and a lot of his characters are just, cliche in a not good way

admittedly I dont know too much about muslims, I did have a Muslim character but I did my best to research and ask people about certain things

can I ask what was off about her arranged marriage?

arranged marriages aren't uncommon in a lot of cultures but it's more of a cultural thing rather than just religious. and hers was arranged when she was 12 which is Not okay. it's not a thing to have a marriage arranged that young. (even if she did like him at that age)
and it's been a while since I've read Magnus but it was justified by her being a bastard child and having an arranged marriage was like a way to give her more worth in her community
and traditional communities may or may not be like that, won't deny that part, but using that as representation isn't great

Deleted user

Is it bad to like Rick Riordan, Veronica Roth, or JK Rowling? I loved Divergent, HP, PJaTO AND HOO, and I have ADHD but Rick Riordan's books are really important to me and all those books have helped me cope with my depression and everything. I feel like they all get nitpicked for being popular way more than other books that deserve it more. Everything is problematic if you look close enough but all of those books are obviously really good. I don't like that JK Rowling is a terf and all but also it's not like Harry Potter is a terf, and also Slytherin wasn't all bad and it was bad she made it that way, I have friends who are slytherins, but being that ambitious can be dangerous and probably makes them more likely to be evil than another house and they're also kind of overrun by evil families just because you're more likely to be in the same house as your families.

@Pickles group

Stop pretending we're attacking you. Literally none of us care what books you like and it's self-indulgent, self-absorbed, and annoying as fuck when you victimize yourself.

Deleted user

Stop pretending we're attacking you. Literally none of us care what books you like and it's self-indulgent, self-absorbed, and annoying as fuck when you victimize yourself.

I'm not pretending you're attacking me at all? Stop pretending I'm pretending you're attacking me. I'm just saying some of these books are really good and you're nitpicking books that were made with good intentions.


deep inhale being ambitious doesn't fucking make you evil or give you a greater likelihood of it. That's not how evil or ambition works. Evil people often are ambitious, yes, but there are just as many good people who are ambitious. Is it evil of my to have ambitions to be a great author? Is it evil that I want to be in charge of something? Is it evil to want to be independent? No. It isn't. Don't spout bullshit about how being ambitious makes you more likely to be evil


  1. i am happy it was represented too. i said that. i made it very clear that i was ecstatic to see my disorder in a main character. it was represented fine, but it wasn't represented great. that's the only point being made here, not that it wasn't at all or that it was done wrong. we are simply saying that rick left out the more ugly parts of it

  2. liking the books is fine. i loved two of those series', and i even liked divergent, though it had it's obvious flaws. however, you can't ignore the authors' choices. it's literally that simple. rick has kinda grossly misrepresented poc characters, and jkr is just a dick and a bad person, and i literally do not care what roth is up to. nobody said it was bad to like them, at least not here

@Pickles group

Stop pretending we're attacking you. Literally none of us care what books you like and it's self-indulgent, self-absorbed, and annoying as fuck when you victimize yourself.

I'm not pretending you're attacking me at all? Stop pretending I'm pretending you're attacking me. I'm just saying some of these books are really good and you're nitpicking books that were made with good intentions.

Yes. You are. You barely even know what playing the victim means, let alone how to recognize it. We were having a conversation that you weren't even a part of, you don't get to tell us to stop discussing problems with books we like or used to like. You're inserting yourself in what's maybe an attempt to get everyone to like you and if that's what you're doing, it's not going to work.


my friend, it's not bad to like what they've created but you have to acknowledge when it's flawed and what stereotypes or they used and all that stuff. I love PJO and HP but I also know that there's a lot of things that aren't great about it! you can enjoy while still acknowledging the faults

@HighPockets group

Stop pretending we're attacking you. Literally none of us care what books you like and it's self-indulgent, self-absorbed, and annoying as fuck when you victimize yourself.

I'm not pretending you're attacking me at all? Stop pretending I'm pretending you're attacking me. I'm just saying some of these books are really good and you're nitpicking books that were made with good intentions.

Yes. You are. You barely even know what playing the victim means, let alone how to recognize it. We were having a conversation that you weren't even a part of, you don't get to tell us to stop discussing problems with books we like or used to like. You're inserting yourself in what's maybe an attempt to get everyone to like you and if that's what you're doing, it's not going to work.

Imagine thinking that "good intentions" absolves your book of flaws. Newsflash, bitch: you can have the best intentions in the world and still fuck up.


Stop pretending we're attacking you. Literally none of us care what books you like and it's self-indulgent, self-absorbed, and annoying as fuck when you victimize yourself.

I'm not pretending you're attacking me at all? Stop pretending I'm pretending you're attacking me. I'm just saying some of these books are really good and you're nitpicking books that were made with good intentions.

it isn't nitpicking to point out glaring and sometimes harmful flaws in books. cool your jets. we're discussing the things that were bad from both a writing and a reading point of view

we are a writing site after all, so we're bound to talk about how some popular series' are filled with flaws. it's not our fault you happened to like them, and it's not a problem, either. again, we ourselves liked a bunch of books with problems. i still read the entirety of the hoo series, even though i'm talking about the problems it had

Deleted user

deep inhale being ambitious doesn't fucking make you evil or give you a greater likelihood of it. That's not how evil or ambition works. Evil people often are ambitious, yes, but there are just as many good people who are ambitious. Is it evil of my to have ambitions to be a great author? Is it evil that I want to be in charge of something? Is it evil to want to be independent? No. It isn't. Don't spout bullshit about how being ambitious makes you more likely to be evil

No just that out of ambitious, brave, smart, and kind, the quality that is most likely to lead to someone being evil is ambitious. Everyone is ambitious, I am too. Just that it's the most of a flaw out out of those.

Deleted user

Stop pretending we're attacking you. Literally none of us care what books you like and it's self-indulgent, self-absorbed, and annoying as fuck when you victimize yourself.

I'm not pretending you're attacking me at all? Stop pretending I'm pretending you're attacking me. I'm just saying some of these books are really good and you're nitpicking books that were made with good intentions.

Yes. You are. You barely even know what playing the victim means, let alone how to recognize it. We were having a conversation that you weren't even a part of, you don't get to tell us to stop discussing problems with books we like or used to like. You're inserting yourself in what's maybe an attempt to get everyone to like you and if that's what you're doing, it's not going to work.

I'm literally just talking. In a public conversation. In a debate thread. I didn't tell you to stop I just added my input about it. My opinion is Rick Riordan has done a lot more good than harm with his books and the attitude of the conversation felt like you were pointing out his flaws without acknowledging all the good, so I wanted to make sure to acknowledge Rick Riordan has great intentions and does a lot of good.

@Pickles group

deep inhale being ambitious doesn't fucking make you evil or give you a greater likelihood of it. That's not how evil or ambition works. Evil people often are ambitious, yes, but there are just as many good people who are ambitious. Is it evil of my to have ambitions to be a great author? Is it evil that I want to be in charge of something? Is it evil to want to be independent? No. It isn't. Don't spout bullshit about how being ambitious makes you more likely to be evil

No just that out of ambitious, brave, smart, and kind, the quality that is most likely to lead to someone being evil is ambitious. Everyone is ambitious, I am too. Just that it's the most of a flaw out out of those.

It's really not though.


deep inhale being ambitious doesn't fucking make you evil or give you a greater likelihood of it. That's not how evil or ambition works. Evil people often are ambitious, yes, but there are just as many good people who are ambitious. Is it evil of my to have ambitions to be a great author? Is it evil that I want to be in charge of something? Is it evil to want to be independent? No. It isn't. Don't spout bullshit about how being ambitious makes you more likely to be evil

No just that out of ambitious, brave, smart, and kind, the quality that is most likely to lead to someone being evil is ambitious. Everyone is ambitious, I am too. Just that it's the most of a flaw out out of those.

Ambition is just as likely to lead to evil as any of those. There is no fucking reason for you to claim that ambition = higher propensity for evil. If it weren't for ambitious people, this world would be very, very different, and not for the better. You can be brave and still be evil. You can be smart and still be evil. Hell, you can be kind and still be evil. Ambition does not equal evil or a higher likelihood of being evil

@Pickles group

Stop pretending we're attacking you. Literally none of us care what books you like and it's self-indulgent, self-absorbed, and annoying as fuck when you victimize yourself.

I'm not pretending you're attacking me at all? Stop pretending I'm pretending you're attacking me. I'm just saying some of these books are really good and you're nitpicking books that were made with good intentions.

Yes. You are. You barely even know what playing the victim means, let alone how to recognize it. We were having a conversation that you weren't even a part of, you don't get to tell us to stop discussing problems with books we like or used to like. You're inserting yourself in what's maybe an attempt to get everyone to like you and if that's what you're doing, it's not going to work.

I'm literally just talking. In a public conversation. In a debate thread. I didn't tell you to stop I just added my input about it. My opinion is Rick Riordan has done a lot more good than harm with his books and the attitude of the conversation felt like you were pointing out his flaws without acknowledging all the good, so I wanted to make sure to acknowledge Rick Riordan has great intentions and does a lot of good.

It's not a goddamned debate thread, get your head out of your ass, you weren't here for any of the name changes of this thread or even the original. You don't even know what it is.

Deleted user

deep inhale being ambitious doesn't fucking make you evil or give you a greater likelihood of it. That's not how evil or ambition works. Evil people often are ambitious, yes, but there are just as many good people who are ambitious. Is it evil of my to have ambitions to be a great author? Is it evil that I want to be in charge of something? Is it evil to want to be independent? No. It isn't. Don't spout bullshit about how being ambitious makes you more likely to be evil

No just that out of ambitious, brave, smart, and kind, the quality that is most likely to lead to someone being evil is ambitious. Everyone is ambitious, I am too. Just that it's the most of a flaw out out of those.

Ambition is just as likely to lead to evil as any of those. There is no fucking reason for you to claim that ambition = higher propensity for evil. If it weren't for ambitious people, this world would be very, very different, and not for the better. You can be brave and still be evil. You can be smart and still be evil. Hell, you can be kind and still be evil. Ambition does not equal evil or a higher likelihood of being evil

But how are kindness, smartness, and bravery AS likely as ambition to make you turn to evil? Kindness is being kind to others, bravery is just doing things even when you're scared to do them. I guess I could see with Ravenclaw, because if you're a mastermind you might be leaning towards evil, so JK Rowling should have made more Ravenclaw villains, but ambition is literally being willing to do anything to achieve your goal. That includes hurting others. None of the other houses have that built into them. But I'm not saying all slytherins are evil and all ambition is bad.

@HighPockets group

You can have good intentions and still mess up. And frankly, you don't even know the authors' intentions, so….stop simping, maybe?


Harry Potter is a terf,

(Cho chang's name is the British equivalent to ching chong in America.)

Just that it's the most of a flaw out of those.

Ignorant people are the most dangerous

@Pickles group

deep inhale being ambitious doesn't fucking make you evil or give you a greater likelihood of it. That's not how evil or ambition works. Evil people often are ambitious, yes, but there are just as many good people who are ambitious. Is it evil of my to have ambitions to be a great author? Is it evil that I want to be in charge of something? Is it evil to want to be independent? No. It isn't. Don't spout bullshit about how being ambitious makes you more likely to be evil

No just that out of ambitious, brave, smart, and kind, the quality that is most likely to lead to someone being evil is ambitious. Everyone is ambitious, I am too. Just that it's the most of a flaw out out of those.

Ambition is just as likely to lead to evil as any of those. There is no fucking reason for you to claim that ambition = higher propensity for evil. If it weren't for ambitious people, this world would be very, very different, and not for the better. You can be brave and still be evil. You can be smart and still be evil. Hell, you can be kind and still be evil. Ambition does not equal evil or a higher likelihood of being evil

But how are kindness, smartness, and bravery AS likely as ambition to make you turn to evil? Kindness is being kind to others, bravery is just doing things even when you're scared to do them. I guess I could see with Ravenclaw, because if you're a mastermind you might be leaning towards evil, so JK Rowling should have made more Ravenclaw villains, but ambition is literally being willing to do anything to achieve your goal. That includes hurting others. None of the other houses have that built into them. But I'm not saying all slytherins are evil and all ambition is bad.

Hufflepuffs aren't always nice and fluffy. Mixing them with ANYONE is, quite frankly, very dangerous. Gryffindors can be a huge danger to themselves and everyone else.

Deleted user

Stop pretending we're attacking you. Literally none of us care what books you like and it's self-indulgent, self-absorbed, and annoying as fuck when you victimize yourself.

I'm not pretending you're attacking me at all? Stop pretending I'm pretending you're attacking me. I'm just saying some of these books are really good and you're nitpicking books that were made with good intentions.

Yes. You are. You barely even know what playing the victim means, let alone how to recognize it. We were having a conversation that you weren't even a part of, you don't get to tell us to stop discussing problems with books we like or used to like. You're inserting yourself in what's maybe an attempt to get everyone to like you and if that's what you're doing, it's not going to work.

I'm literally just talking. In a public conversation. In a debate thread. I didn't tell you to stop I just added my input about it. My opinion is Rick Riordan has done a lot more good than harm with his books and the attitude of the conversation felt like you were pointing out his flaws without acknowledging all the good, so I wanted to make sure to acknowledge Rick Riordan has great intentions and does a lot of good.

It's not a goddamned debate thread, get your head out of your ass, you weren't here for any of the name changes of this thread or even the original. You don't even know what it is.

Sorry I thought this was the debate thread. I got the rudeness and debate confused