forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

I hated Apollo as a lead. I was glad that Rick had the guts to actually kill a lead after the major disappointment of Blood of Olympus though.

@Pickles group

I loved Magnus Chase
I wish I could read it for the first time again

I keep telling Dom he needs to read it. He'd love Sam and no one can change my mind


I wanna be part of the PM! I can't do the writing because I don't have the motivation, but I'll help!


i might be able to do some rewriting if i'm not busy working on the deck

@Pickles group

hot take

reyna isn't interesting. fanon reyna is interesting. the fandom made a boring character interesting because rick couldn't

I literally do not remember a thing about her, fanon or otherwise

Also Jason sucked ass and I hated him

@HighPockets group

Also I can't stand how some PJO fans have started acting like they're superior to people who like Harry Potter after all of JKR's bullshit :/ like y'all know you can like both right? And a major author being a terf isn't a good time to go "lol HP was always garbage", there's an actual issue here and you're acting like this is some opportunity to out-woke someone because of their taste in books.
ANYWAYS rant over, I'm just Very Annoyed with this shit as a PJO and HP fan.

@HighPockets group

hot take

reyna isn't interesting. fanon reyna is interesting. the fandom made a boring character interesting because rick couldn't

Ooh agree
Also Jason has the personality of stale white bread


I mean as a PJO fan, PJO is always gonna be superior, but yeah, the real issue is that JKR is a TERF. Quality of her books is not the issue here


hot take

reyna isn't interesting. fanon reyna is interesting. the fandom made a boring character interesting because rick couldn't

Ooh agree
Also Jason has the personality of stale white bread

Mmhm. Reyna was always this…like she had potential but Rick never let her have it. And Jason was always lame, I never understood why people liked him

@HighPockets group

I also just don't see why we have to pit books against each other to see which is the best? Maybe it's because I'm very indecisive but still

@HighPockets group

hot take

reyna isn't interesting. fanon reyna is interesting. the fandom made a boring character interesting because rick couldn't

Ooh agree
Also Jason has the personality of stale white bread

Mmhm. Reyna was always this…like she had potential but Rick never let her have it. And Jason was always lame, I never understood why people liked him

Reyna felt like a Diet/Roman Thalia most of the time


honestly most of the second series characters were made incredible by fanon and fics and whatnot. piper was nothing but a stereotype(hello, why the fuck would you make your only native character the kleptomaniac and make her wear sacred feathers in her hair), jason was just a dick with potential, leo was sidelined up until he could be a convenient love interest for a plothole that was forgotten about, and honestly? canon willxnico is like. gross. their toa interactions made them seem like they fucking hated each other


skgdfbhh I did a stupid and tried to turn down the volume on my Spotify by…wait for it…turning down the screen brightness on my laptop

nothing makes you feel stupider than that

Especially because I didn't realize why it wasn't working for a full like…ten seconds


honestly most of the second series characters were made incredible by fanon and fics and whatnot. piper was nothing but a stereotype(hello, why the fuck would you make your only native character the kleptomaniac and make her wear sacred feathers in her hair), jason was just a dick with potential, leo was sidelined up until he could be a convenient love interest for a plothole that was forgotten about, and honestly? canon willxnico is like. gross. their toa interactions made them seem like they fucking hated each other

Fanon Leo and Solangelo are the bomb. Canon Leo and Solangelo is…hm

@Pickles group

Also I can't stand how some PJO fans have started acting like they're superior to people who like Harry Potter after all of JKR's bullshit :/ like y'all know you can like both right? And a major author being a terf isn't a good time to go "lol HP was always garbage", there's an actual issue here and you're acting like this is some opportunity to out-woke someone because of their taste in books.
ANYWAYS rant over, I'm just Very Annoyed with this shit as a PJO and HP fan.

Except HP kind of always was garbage, and people have always kind of been saying that. Pretty much everyone admits that they like it because of their nostalgia. People who read it at an older age don't feel the same way hardcore fans do. No, PJO fans don't get to act superior for liking their thing, but most of them don't. And a lot of fans of both actually do realize that there's an issue here, but a few loud assholes are ignoring that and acting like brats because jkr sucks. Jkr being a bad person doesn't have anything to do with people thinking her books aren't actually all that great
I had more to say but now I can't remember it


honestly most of the second series characters were made incredible by fanon and fics and whatnot. piper was nothing but a stereotype(hello, why the fuck would you make your only native character the kleptomaniac and make her wear sacred feathers in her hair), jason was just a dick with potential, leo was sidelined up until he could be a convenient love interest for a plothole that was forgotten about, and honestly? canon willxnico is like. gross. their toa interactions made them seem like they fucking hated each other

Fanon Leo and Solangelo are the bomb. Canon Leo and Solangelo is…hm

literally yes. all of the second series had incredible potential, the character friendships could have been iconic, but instead we got two interactions between certain characters and none between others, characters who seemed ooc despite that being how they were always written, and a really weird ending

@Pickles group

hot take

reyna isn't interesting. fanon reyna is interesting. the fandom made a boring character interesting because rick couldn't

Ooh agree
Also Jason has the personality of stale white bread

Mmhm. Reyna was always this…like she had potential but Rick never let her have it. And Jason was always lame, I never understood why people liked him

Reyna felt like a Diet/Roman Thalia most of the time

Did you mean: all of the new characters in the second series and their OG counterparts

@HighPockets group

honestly most of the second series characters were made incredible by fanon and fics and whatnot. piper was nothing but a stereotype(hello, why the fuck would you make your only native character the kleptomaniac and make her wear sacred feathers in her hair), jason was just a dick with potential, leo was sidelined up until he could be a convenient love interest for a plothole that was forgotten about, and honestly? canon willxnico is like. gross. their toa interactions made them seem like they fucking hated each other

YES THANK YOU! This is why I never got into the second series. I hated Jason, Piper felt super bland, Leo annoyed me (and I hated Caleo as a ship), Frank/Hazel was always gross to me because she's 14?? he's 16??
And the ending was soanticlimactic. Granted, TLO is my favorite series conclusion of all time, but the way the ending happened felt super cheap, and the stakes just weren't there.


honestly most of the second series characters were made incredible by fanon and fics and whatnot. piper was nothing but a stereotype(hello, why the fuck would you make your only native character the kleptomaniac and make her wear sacred feathers in her hair), jason was just a dick with potential, leo was sidelined up until he could be a convenient love interest for a plothole that was forgotten about, and honestly? canon willxnico is like. gross. their toa interactions made them seem like they fucking hated each other

Fanon Leo and Solangelo are the bomb. Canon Leo and Solangelo is…hm

literally yes. all of the second series had incredible potential, the character friendships could have been iconic, but instead we got two interactions between certain characters and none between others, characters who seemed ooc despite that being how they were always written, and a really weird ending

YES. I think Rick kinda…like most of the story was told by Annabeth and Percy, and all I wanted half the time was more Leo and more Hazel, and more character development for Frank, because honestly Frank could've/should've been a badass sweetheart, and he kept getting sidelined and it made me angry


also i still think echo and leo as a ship or friendship was the cutest thing ever

YES. I was disappointed when they never came back to Echo

@Pickles group

honestly most of the second series characters were made incredible by fanon and fics and whatnot. piper was nothing but a stereotype(hello, why the fuck would you make your only native character the kleptomaniac and make her wear sacred feathers in her hair), jason was just a dick with potential, leo was sidelined up until he could be a convenient love interest for a plothole that was forgotten about, and honestly? canon willxnico is like. gross. their toa interactions made them seem like they fucking hated each other

Fanon Leo and Solangelo are the bomb. Canon Leo and Solangelo is…hm

literally yes. all of the second series had incredible potential, the character friendships could have been iconic, but instead we got two interactions between certain characters and none between others, characters who seemed ooc despite that being how they were always written, and a really weird ending

Part of what makes the stuff after the first series great is having a huge, creative fanbase and a great author I swear I'm not throwing shade at Harry Potter