forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


oh my gold what if there was like. a 'pastel' mode for notebook with really soft blues and stuff


even with a cream instead of white, or maybe like light parchment? the big reason i use darkmode is because my eyes hate bright, stark whites(rip @ me in hospitals) so like. a pastel mode would be so much fun and so pretty

@ElderGod-kirky group

oh my gold what if there was like. a 'pastel' mode for notebook with really soft blues and stuff


even with a cream instead of white, or maybe like light parchment? the big reason i use darkmode is because my eyes hate bright, stark whites(rip @ me in hospitals) so like. a pastel mode would be so much fun and so pretty

If I could choose between parchment creme and white, I'd go with the latter for the same reason. My Wattpad settings are like that when it comes to the stories while the general app is in darkmode

@HighPockets group

oh my gold what if there was like. a 'pastel' mode for notebook with really soft blues and stuff


even with a cream instead of white, or maybe like light parchment? the big reason i use darkmode is because my eyes hate bright, stark whites(rip @ me in hospitals) so like. a pastel mode would be so much fun and so pretty

Oh boy, the bright lights at my old school were so bad that I'd get these awful headaches every day after school.

Deleted user

Y'all were just gonna let me live my whole life without telling me there was a night mode on Pinterest, huh?

i’m sorry who


not sure where to ask but a lot of you seem to be true crime, disaster, and real life horror nerds-
what are some good youtube channels?
I recently watched Ailurus's horror story series, where he covered a lot of tragedies ranging from murder to video footage of catastrophic accidents, and now i want more cause sleep is overrated
anything's good but the more scarring the better


Watch Buzzfeed Unsolved, really great if you want supernatural or true crime, not scarring, but more on a comedic side, you still get to learn though

@ccb group

if you're into arg/mystery stuff, i really like reignbot, inside a mind, atrocity guide, and blameitonjorge (who also has a cool series on lost children's content that's usually pretty eerie imo). some of it is more intriguing than really spooky, since a lot of what they cover is stuff that it turns out was intended to be fiction, but it's usually sufficient to give me goosebumps :')

@ccb group

(if you want to err on the side of true crime/real life horror, reignbot's got a series called "stories from our disturbing world" that's pretty good for that)

@Pickles group

There are a lot of true crime documentaries that are pretty good. Personally I'm more of a fan of the zodiac killer ones rather than others because they tend to be more centered around victims and who did it rather than showing super intense reenactments and gore. You have to be careful about which ones you watch though because some of them go in with the "I'm GOING to solve this by the end of this video" and it comes across super condescending. Iirc there's a good video on Alissa Turney (which is a bonkers case) and that channel's supposed to be good. But I can't remember what it is. I haven't watched any videos in over a year aside from some of my friends being all yOuD lIkE bUzZfEeD uNsOlVeD lEtS wAtCh It (spoiler: I don't.)


I personally think that it's a great show for laughs while at the same time learning about cases, they actually go to the locations too, give it a try and if you don't like it, that's fine too.

@HighPockets group

I like Georgia Marie's true crime content. TC isn't great for my mental health so I don't really watch it, but when I was into it I enjoyed her channel. Never got too into it tbh, but I like her content! The serial killer ones that she does are my favorites


Yeah that Goatman episode was hilarious along with the Sally House, they go more into depth in their Q&A videos, but whatevers your taste man.