forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I just want everyone to know that I found some pretty daisies while on a walk and I picked two, which I am in the process of pressing so I can send them to a Pretty Girl I simp over
if covid thinks it's gonna stop me from being gay and giving flowers to pretty girls it's wrong hunny

anyway bye again

and nia, I'm sending you a pm

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Notebook gained some steroids while I was gone didn't it?


Hey everyone! This is a mini questionnaire that I'd love for agender or grey-gender people to fill out. If you identify as either of those in this chat and feel comfortable answering, please do! If you know a grey/agender person who might be down to answer, by all means send this to them and post their answers here. I'd like as much input as possible. Again, I don't want to pry- only answer the questions you're comfortable with. Feel free to skip/answer as many as you wish.

  1. When did you realize you are grey/agender?

  2. How did you realize others were experiencing gender when you weren't (or at least to a much lesser degree)?

  3. Do you experience body dysphoria (discomfort towards sex characteristics, like breasts, facial hair, genetalia)? If so, what kind and in what situations? Are you comfortable with your birth sex?

  4. Do you experience social dysphoria (discomfort towards incorrect pronouns, how others perceive you, public sorting by gender like in restrooms)? If so, what kind and in what situations? Are you comfortable with your birth pronouns and categories?

  5. Do you feel any preference for a specific gender expression (like more feminine, masculine, or andro clothing choices/attitudes)? For grey-gender people, does it correlate with whatever little gender you do feel?

  6. How do you feel about pronouns? Do you have any preferred pronouns? Do they correlate with your birth sex?

  7. Lastly, how has your experience been with gender? Was it a long and hard road to find this identity, or a smooth, relatively simple conclusion? Do you like being grey/agender?


Today's aesthetic: is gender even real? Am I just not experiencing gender? What if I'm non binary? I'm not allowed to be non binary. What if I was and I outed myself? I'm non binary. Mmmm but am I though? That's the internalized transphobia talking. Or maybe I just wanna be "special"? No, I can't be a girl. Weellllll…
These are the day's questions.

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Y'all, y'all
Is podcasting gay culture or is it not??
Actual question

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Every person I know personally who makes podcasts are gay and as a gay person making a podcast, it's just een in my mind

@Pickles group

I only know of one gay podcaster (besides you) so
Granted, I didn't figure out she was gay until well over halfway through all the episodes
Maybe it's a gay zoomer thing because all of the podcasts I listen to are by gen x or millennials Ash, is Karen a boomer or just old?


i'm back from the dead and i've decided that i personally don't care much for gender
i just wanna be happy
i like my hair long, and i like wearing masculine clothes
if i wanna look pretty on a specific day then i will
call me whatever pronouns, and i will not care
in fact, being called by different ones at random times makes me happy
i have no idea what the name of what i b feeling is so if one of ya know please tell me-

but yea i think i finally got that feeling fully figured out

anyway, more importantly, how are y'all? :D

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You have a podcast, Reed?

Oh yes! A fiction/workplace comedy/modern fantasy podcast. It's called The Museum on spotify, but it's hard to find so I'd just look up Curator Notes
I've only produced one episode and the next one will have AFT voice acting for me