forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I just realized the main reason I give myself otter vibes is because I have like, the world's longest torso and that's an aesthetic in itself


Today was a day filled with queer undertones.
Tommorow I have to take late birthday pictures, and my mom took me shopping today. I made a beeline for the boys section and found a nice button up. She looked at it and asked "Can you wear something feminine tomorrow?," to which I asked why.
She didn't really have an answer, but said "Sometimes you look cute in those, but other times…" (more jokingly than rude).
So I said I want to wear what I want (which is a white formal button up and slacks) and that maybe I'm not trying to look cute.
She then said "Well, I want you to wear whatever you feel comfortable in,"
So I said "then it won't be feminine lol"
She said fine as long as I wear my hair down. Luckily I was planning on that anyway.

Then I kinda almost came out to her (again) in the Culver's drive through. We were just talking about relationships and stuff, and she asked me if I was sad and missed when my friend was my boyfriend. I told her I was over him specifically, but I was sad that it was gunna be a long time before I had or experienced a crush again. I prompted a conversation about crushes, so I could follow it up with something like "I don't get crushes, which puts me on the asexual and aromantic spectrums, which is a group of people who experience little to no attraction," or some shit like that. We also talked about romance and just finding people pretty. I never got to explain vocabulary, or explicitly label myself. She eventually asked "So you're sad you aren't experiencing romantic attraction?" Which is really close to what I was trying to say and I'm happy she gathered that. She followed it up with "It's probably a good thing you don't get crushes," which I didn't really argue with. She also said the classic "Maybe you just haven't found the right one," to which I very audible groaned lol. I told her that's not really how it worked, but she said "What? You don't think that if you found the right one you wouldn't like them?" I didn't argue with that either, especially since I'm not strictly ace/aro. Overall it was a pretty light hearted conversation, and I think she understands me a little more.

Later we talked about having "types" and relationship roles. She asked what my type was and I said "feminine". At that point she stammered and was like "girls???" and almost swerved (driving home) so I said "Just.. feminine"
"Feminine guys?"
I went on explaining my perfect relationship where I was "the gent" and he was "the lady". That triggered the never-gets-old trans question-
"Are you happy being a girl?"
"Yes, I'm fine being a girl."
"Well you keep saying you wanna be a guy."
"I'm saying I want to be the dominant one. Are you happy with the way I'm being a girl?"
That usually ends that conversation.
But yeah, it was a day. Had some interesting conversations. Turns out she was a flirt in high school, which surprised me.


You should've just been like "I'M A TOP, MOM"

Lol wELL mAyBe
But this is a pure household, she doesn't know what that means lmao

@Pickles group

You should've just been like "I'M A TOP, MOM"

Lol wELL mAyBe
But this is a pure household, she doesn't know what that means lmao

"A top? Like one of your button ups? Is this a crazy new sexuality fad?"

Deleted user

So I'm happy about today, I did my makeup and I like how it looks.
((I'm usually hating my appearance so this is a first))


sorry y’all this might be an out of the blue question, but does anyone have any advice at all on figuring out whether or not a girl is some flavor of gay totally asking for a friend


Maybe strike a conversation about your own sexuality (if you're comfortable coming out)? Somehow bring it up naturally to see if she comments on her own. Maybe talk about Pride month, Pride merch, favorite colors are (your Pride flag) because (sexuality).

@The-Magician group

I just popped in to say that I finally got a binder today!!! I told my aunt about it and she was happy for me, and overall I just feel somewhat content with myself now :)

@The-Magician group

I was caught off guard by how comfy it is 😅 I spoke to my trans work colleague and he mentioned that he accidentally overwore his the first time because of how comfortable it is and that I need to remember the 8 hour limit thing. But I feel good, a lot better than I have done for a long ass time!


Congrats Lee! 🎉
Don't wear it to bed, and don't try to put it on if you aren't completely dry. 8 hours a day is generally a good rule. Read all the warnings! Figuring out how to slither into it is tough the first couple times, just make sure you know where your shoulders and elbows are in relation to the stretchy and not-so-stretchy parts, and you'll get it in no time. Enjoy!


i kind of want a binder cause despite being very female i absolutely hate my chest, but i can’t exactly ask my parents for one without being grounded or worse

Deleted user

whenever I wear my binder it feels hella nice- only problem is that taking it off is a bitch for me. I struggle a lot lmao


So I have a significant other right. And I’ve been low key afraid to flirt with them because I’m a dumbass allosexual and they’re ace and I don’t wanna make them uncomfortable accidentally. And last night they were just like “dude do you wanna like lay down some rules or whatever” and I was like “yes please that’d be g r e a t” and we did that and it was fabulous. And now I officially have hair floofing privileges and I’m very happy.

@stolenbrocoli group

Sooo i'm a girl, and im kind of questioning my sexuality…but also not. like i'm pretty sure im bi, but i've also never done anything. and i'm pretty sure i would never want to date a girl cos i feel like they just have friend energy, but that also might change. and if i am bi, then i don't think i would ever come out to my parents cos my mom doesn't rly believe that bisexuality exists so avoidance is the easier route. idk im just confused ig


i know how you feel, i started like that too. i know avoidance feels easier, but you really just have to follow your heart, and don’t worry about your mom. you don’t have to tell her anything you don’t feel comfortable saying, and you can take time to figure out your sexuality. it took me years, and i’m still changing