forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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And thanks for all of the support y’all. Y’all are the best.
On a happier note, I managed to buy tickets for the Messy podcast live and meet and greet. Messy is a great podcast hosted by MacDoesIt and MikeMGTV, they’re both awesome queer creators.

that’s great max

@Becfromthedead group

My grandma hates my bright red hair. I think that’s another thing off the “gay relative” checklist.
But I love it, and my partner and friends love it, so it doesn’t matter.


Hey are there any pan people here that would be willing to answer a question I have?
I'm pan, not sure if I'll be able to answer the question though

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I just realized how many fictional characters I have a squish on and-
I have an issue
Just off the top of my head:
Luffy, Ace, Sabo, Sanji, Zoro, Robin, Nami, Chopper, Vivi

@HighPockets group

As a Star Wars fan, it took me an embarrassingly long to realize Chopper must be a One Piece character and you do not, in fact, have a squish on a grumpy robot.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

As a Star Wars fan, it took me an embarrassingly long to realize Chopper must be a One Piece character and you do not, in fact, have a squish on a grumpy robot.

He's this cute lil reindeer
Tony Tony Chopper One Piece Png , Free Transparent Clipart ...

@Moxie group

I'm pan, not sure if I'll be able to answer the question though

I have a friend who's pan and could pass on the question if you like?

i identify as pan/queer so i’ll try to answer your question

Thank you guys this means a lot
Okay so basically I’m wondering how you knew you were pansexual and not bisexual. Like how did you know that you didn’t have a preference between gender?


welp ok crap i’m actually gayer than i thought, this is not good, what do i do

What happened?

not much really, it's just that good old time every few months where i overthink myself into a hole staring at really wholesome fluffy ship art for characters i've never even heard of, crying, and wondering if i keep putting myself through this cause i ship them, or am just extremely lonely and desperate for hugs, or if i'm actually super gay which is scary cause i can't shake away the "Gay Bad" side of my brain, and yeah regardless of what it is i'm a confused lonely muffin

@HighPockets group

welp ok crap i’m actually gayer than i thought, this is not good, what do i do

What happened?

not much really, it's just that good old time every few months where i overthink myself into a hole staring at really wholesome fluffy ship art for characters i've never even heard of, crying, and wondering if i keep putting myself through this cause i ship them, or am just extremely lonely and desperate for hugs, or if i'm actually super gay which is scary cause i can't shake away the "Gay Bad" side of my brain, and yeah regardless of what it is i'm a confused lonely muffin

Oof, I'm sorry kiddo. That's always a tough position to be in. <3

@Becfromthedead group

I’m not pan, but I am bi/omni so I can tell you how I figured out I wasn’t pan. Personally, I feel distinctly different things for different genders. Girls? V pretty, high aesthetic attraction, a more fluttery feeling. Boys? Seek deeper emotional bonds, kind of struggle to find closeness at times, less aesthetic attraction, more emotional attraction. As for gnc individuals, it greatly varies, depending on their presentation, but it falls somewhere on the spectrum between what I feel for guys and girls.

Deleted user

Thank you guys this means a lot
Okay so basically I’m wondering how you knew you were pansexual and not bisexual. Like how did you know that you didn’t have a preference between gender?

so, here's the thing. i used to identify as bisexual. there was a time i was convinced that i could date either a female or male and i'd be okay with it, which, im still okay with. the only difference was that i found out about nonbinary people/trans people and i guess they're supposed to fall under a different category?
so basically, my last two brain cells got confused and i said "fuck it, i'll date whoever the hell i want to." so i guess i really don't care what gender you are/what you identify as, because im open to pretty much anything as long as you're a nice person and have a kick ass personality i can chill with. i also feel like i would be disrespecting/invalidating the people that identify as something else if i said i was bi but they didn't think themselves as either female or male- does that makes sense? i don't even know at this point, so like i said, the confusion paid a huge role in this. the deciding factor would have been seeing people have specific preferences. like, i had a friend that would only strictly date female or male and nothing else. for me, that didn't quite click cause i dont like limiting my options. i would miss out on dating some pretty cool people if i decided to go based off of appearance/gender or whatever.
idk dude, i hope this helped some even though my thoughts are all over the place. i don't even know if i make sense half of the time.

Deleted user

I'm really light headed y'all
think singing is trying to kill me


To add onto that, identifying as bi doesn't make you transphobic. Bisexuality means "two attractions," and the widely accepted definition means you're attracted to two or more genders, not necessarily the binary ones. Pansexuality is attraction to people regardless of gender, while bi and omni and polysexual people "see" gender, but are attracted to many or all nonetheless.


Okay so basically I’m wondering how you knew you were pansexual and not bisexual. Like how did you know that you didn’t have a preference between gender?

okay so this is a loaded question because it took me a little over three years to actually identify as anything because of a lot of internalized homophobia, but i’m a very type a kind of person and i’m super stressed out a lot of the time, so for those three years i was just hyper fixated on finding a word that i could identify with, so i did like a huge amount of research, and eventually i had to just sit down and kind of think about the people i had crushes on, because i don’t get crushes very often, and i realized how none of my crushes were based on gender, but it was more of an attraction to their personality. i had a huge crush on my best friend for a while, and then a crush on this girl on my softball team, and they definitely shared some qualities. so i compared that to my “research” i guess and found that i identify with the term pan the most. i usually just prefer the term queer though, because i have this intense fear of getting put into a box or under a label. (i also realized that i subconsciously tended to lean towards girls, which leads me to saying i’m gay a lot)
i realize i’m kinda rambling, so basically tldr, i had to kind of reflect on my preferences and compare that to what i knew about different terms and what felt right to me. (i realize i’m giving really basic answer, so if you have anymore questions or you want me to expand more, feel free to ask)
hope this helped!!