forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Sooo i'm a girl, and im kind of questioning my sexuality…but also not. like i'm pretty sure im bi, but i've also never done anything. and i'm pretty sure i would never want to date a girl cos i feel like they just have friend energy, but that also might change. and if i am bi, then i don't think i would ever come out to my parents cos my mom doesn't rly believe that bisexuality exists so avoidance is the easier route. idk im just confused ig

Well what’s making you doubt your sexuality in the first place? (I’m not trying to be rude so I’m sorry if it sounds like that ;-;)

Deleted user

(I've been questioning myself lately on if I should date guys or girls, When both have let me down. PLUS not to mention crushing hardcore on my best friend who is moving schools.)
I wish I had a better way of crushing on people. -Sits in depression corner-

Deleted user

Hey ya'll, I'm gonna go off notebook for awhile. Don't want to make it a big thing or anything, so I'm not making a forum for it. I don't know when I'll be back, but toodles

@stolenbrocoli group

Well what’s making you doubt your sexuality in the first place? (I’m not trying to be rude so I’m sorry if it sounds like that ;-;)

no it's not rude. it's mostly me thinking that i might not even be into girls since i've never tried anything like that and one of my friends (he's the only one that knows) is always either telling me to try is just to make sure or saying "well it seems like you're sure already so i think you're bi"

@Becfromthedead group

You do NOT need to actually date girls to be bi! If you have that attraction to them, that’s enough.
Also I’m personally against dating solely to “try things out” because if you aren’t careful it might not end up well. Been there, entered a poly relationship with my fiancé and another girl, partially because I wasn’t feeling “gay/bi enough.” It was not a super healthy relationship with her, and it was hard to leave.


My friend was asking me about types of sexuality and I told her (With his permission) that my friend was a panromantic asexual, when she asked me about how someone could be pan and ace, I explained it to her and told her about how I'm demi. My mom asked me about what I was texting about and I thought it was the perfect time to at least tell her I was demisexual. She then looked at me dead in the eye and said that I was just a teenager and just confused. Needless to say, I was crush.

@Becfromthedead group

God, I hate when parents use age to invalidate their children’s sexuality/gender. I’m a whole adult and I bet if I told my mom I was demi/bi she’d say the same thing. I’m sorry all that happened, but just know we’re here to support you. Maybe she’ll come to terms with it in time, but since you said something about it, now you should not back down. She doesn’t get to tell you who you are. Only you can do that, and you can insist that your sexuality is real. Because it is! You don’t have to fight your mom, but you can start by giving her some resources so she can better understand.


My friend was asking me about types of sexuality and I told her (With his permission) that my friend was a panromantic asexual, when she asked me about how someone could be pan and ace, I explained it to her and told her about how I'm demi. My mom asked me about what I was texting about and I thought it was the perfect time to at least tell her I was demisexual. She then looked at me dead in the eye and said that I was just a teenager and just confused. Needless to say, I was crush.


I need some help on figuring out how to tell my mother I'm Enby/male. I don't know how to bring it up and I'm only nervous because she's said in the past that we shouldn't have labels and some other stuff that made me feel crap and I just don't know how to bring it up with her.


I'm not super qualified for this but maybe bring it up with some fictional character or made up friend and see how she responds to that? before anything, make sure that you're safe when you do come out. and good luck since it's not always easy.

@The-Magician group

Ive just come to the conclusion that the only reason I was safe when coming out to my parents was because 1. When I came out as Bi my best friend at the time was in the same room, and 2. When I came out about questioning my gender, it was over the phone.

I dread to think as to what could have happened had those not been the circumstances.


Dang. That stuff is scary. I'm glad you're safe and that your friend was there.
My parents have never gotten physically violent before, but I have no doubt my dad would yell if I came out. If he knew I was involved, like in chats like these and with queer friends, he might scream and get in my face. If he found my binder, I think the worst that could happen is I'd be kicked out for a few days. I don't know though, maybe he'd just yell at me and blame my mom then ignore me the rest of my life. I hope I never find out.


I have the utmost respect for enby peeps in general, kudos to you for being brave and confident with who you are.


Anyways, I haven't been on this forum in a VERY long time. For those of you who are new (or at least came around after I left), my name is char. My preferred pronouns are she/her and I believe I sit somewhere under the bi-ace spectrum. Feel free to come to me with any concerns you may have, and I will work with the others to help.


hey char!!
i’m aria, but everyone calls me south, you can call me whatever, she/her, and i’m a bit spacey at times. i’m technically queer/pan, but i’m questioning again and i think i might be gay. i’ve been on notebook almost a year at this point, but i’ve only been on the forums for like 6 months. pm me anytime and it’s nice to meet you!!


Nice to meet you Char! I'm Owen, demisexual and demiromantic. Gender wise I'm kinda eh, female I guess. She/her or they/them pronouns are fine :)