forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Some people say cishet aroaces aren't LGBT+ because they don't experience discrimination, but you do experience discrimination. Over 75% of my friends would not date someone ace, even if they are straight and cisgender

@Pickles group

Wow imagine telling someone that they're the way they are because of a hormone imbalance, no one will ever love them, and that they're broken and then telling them that they aren't apart of a community of not straight people because they don't experience discrimination

Also please tell your friends to 1. Fuck off 2. They shouldn't not date someone because they might not have sex with them and 3. Being ace doesn't necessarily mean you wouldn't have sex or wouldn't enjoy it, it's about not experiencing sexual attraction, and even though some aces are sex-repulsed (such as myself, but you don't need to tell them that), not all aces are the same.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk

@Pickles group

Also wOw if you won't date someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction, what does that say about your readiness to be in a relationship at all??

Deleted user

Fuck your friends man, I'm ace and on the aro spectrum! (I think, man shit is hard)
I'll fight 'em.
I'll punch 'em then vore 'em

@Pickles group

Fuck your friends man, I'm ace and on the aro spectrum! (I think, man shit is hard)
I'll fight 'em.
I'll punch 'em then vore 'em

do not vore them

Deleted user

Fuck your friends man, I'm ace and on the aro spectrum! (I think, man shit is hard)
I'll fight 'em.
I'll punch 'em then vore 'em

do not vore them

Imma vore 'em

@Pickles group

Fuck your friends man, I'm ace and on the aro spectrum! (I think, man shit is hard)
I'll fight 'em.
I'll punch 'em then vore 'em

do not vore them

Imma vore 'em

Do not. Don't consume their negativity

Deleted user

Fuck your friends man, I'm ace and on the aro spectrum! (I think, man shit is hard)
I'll fight 'em.
I'll punch 'em then vore 'em

do not vore them

Imma vore 'em

Do not. Don't consume their negativity

I will consume all.
No one is safe.
You will all join the void.

Deleted user

I'm demisexual {I'm pretty sure I am, at least} and that's always weird, too. It's like, I'm biromantic, so I like guys and girls. But that doesn't mean I wanna smash. It's not that complicated.
And sOME PEOPLE cough cough my friend cough cough don't seem to understand that.

Deleted user

i know how gay i am, when i see almost everything i have is well rainbow, etc etc.